Let's do this for real!!!

I found out yesterday that I'm definitely not hypothyroid. I had myself a good cry and then decided to try counting calories again to try to get rid of this stubborn weight.
I used to weigh 260 , but now I weight 200 -193 pounds thanks to diet and exercise. I thought that after I lost the weight that I would maybe be happier with my body , but now I'm even more critical of myself than ever and I feel that 200 is just still too heavy for me. I'm 5'7 and I just look curvy or thick or at least that's what people tell me but this size is just not good enough for me. I want to be able to put on a outfit in the morning without having to change 3x because I feel chunky. I want to look in the mirror and be happy for once.
If anyone is going through a similar situation or just wants a buddy to trade exercise tips and recipes with I am here. Don't be afraid to add me. I don't bite people just food


  • mamakimkim
    mamakimkim Posts: 20 Member
    Something similar happened to me. I had thyroid surgery in 2005 and so I only have half a thyroid. My thyroid labs kept coming back and saying that my levels were normal/correct even though I wasn't taking any thyroid hormone supplement. For two years I was 100% convinced they were wrong. I had successfully lost weight before and I could not figure out why I was not losing weight. This was after I had two kids, was trying to lose weight in my 30s not my 20s, etc. At one point, I was so convinced that my thyroid numbers were wrong that I traveled to the Mayo Clinic and saw an endocrinologist to be absolutely sure. After being told the same thing, I realized I just had to do something totally different to lose weight.

    For me, that has been eating a very, very small number of calories. I have been losing weight but only when I eat ~1,100 calories a day. This is something else I was in denial about--two years ago, my doctor told me that I would have to go down to 1,000 calories per day to lose the weight which sounded nutso to me but it has basically been true. On days when I do really heavy exercise, I may eat ~1,700 calories but if I am losing and not maintaining, I definitely need to be at 1,000 to 1,100 per day.

    I recently decided to do physician-assisted weight loss. My doctor has me on specific vitamin supplements and I also get weekly B-12 shots and take a prescription appetite suppressant. I lost 9 lbs on my own since the beginning of the year, but I was having a lot of problems being hungry (to the point that I would be so hungry by the end of the day that I would just break down and eat). Then I got an injury that has prevented me from doing any exercise for the past 4 weeks. Not being able to exercise was the straw that broke the camel's back and made me do physician's assisted. I don't want to gain back the weight I just lost.
  • mila0130
    mila0130 Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry. I know what a kick in the big butt that can be. Just to be sure, they did a full panel, right? For years I have known something just wasn't right and FINALLY a doctor did a full work up and found that my T4 was low. That'd do ya for some stubborn weight issues.
    Anyway, I'm glad you're here, and it's going to suck but it's going to work out. Lol work out. Oh and 60lbs is nothing to shake a stick at. Go you!
  • lee252x
    lee252x Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks!!! Its so nice to know I'm not alone. I asked in advance for them to do a full panel AND I asked them to send a copy of the results so that I can have a look myself in a few days. I know doctors do their best ,but I've learned to never take anything for face value. I did some reading and the national something something insert fancy name here changed the ranges for people who would be considered hypothyroid. This basically means that a lot more people are hypothyroid than originally suspected based on the new ranges . So now based on the new ranges I still could be but I'll just have to wait until I get the results in the mail to check myself. In the mean time I'll just diet exercise and start taking gugglesterones which is a natural thyroid supplement. I want to at least make sure its running in tip top shape so I can get the most out of my efforts.
    Man if I only ate 1000 or 1,100 calories I would probably pass out. That's not enough calories for a ant! I have been doing pretty good with the 1400 limit for me I don't feel deprived as long as I only eat super healthy stuff. I can do 1300 calories on some days but any less than that and I can't focus on anything!!!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited February 2016
    Are you weighing your food on a food scale? If not you could easily be eating more than you think.

    Also I recommend reading these threads:
    A Guide To Get You Started On Your Path To Sexypants

    So You Want A Nice Stomach

    Logging Accurately..Step by Step Guide
  • lee252x
    lee252x Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks shadow. I don't weight my food but I do use measuring cups now. I didn't realize I was talking in so much milk! Now I only use almond milk which is only 30 calories a cup and doesn't taste half bad
  • montanamegs
    montanamegs Posts: 16 Member
    I also was given hope that part of my weight struggle might be my thyroid, only to be told that it's normal. (But who knows, my mom has thyroid problems). I'm teetering right on the border of one-derland right now. It's a slow process but with healthier eating and excersizing I'm getting there! I know the struggle of repeatedly changing outfits allllll too well. Always looking for more motivation buddies!