Smoking or Not?



  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member

    Honestly, I have a fear of quitting. I am doing really great with my dieting and losing weight, and am frightened that it could backfire. It is a goal for me in the near future, once dieting becomes a lifestyle instead of a calculation all day.

    If you quit smoking there is a chance you *may* temporarily loose some progress on your diet plan.

    If you don't quit smoking there is still a chance you may lose progress on your diet plan and you *will* continue to damage your body.

    If anything you should have a fear of *not* quitting. I quit 5 years ago and it was one of the best things I've done for myself.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    The other thing is to educate yourself about it. Read read and then read some more. Its true when they say knowledge is power. One of the most powerful things I came across was a guys journey of quitting smoking. It's called tales from the quit and its an amazing read. Its something I went back to for months and months after I quit.

    The Goodbye letter to cigarettes and Chose your Pain are two of the most inspiring things I have ever read.
  • cnave99
    cnave99 Posts: 63 Member
    I smoked twelve years- been quit for five. Used Chantix, and Allen's book.

    Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your body. It affects (in a negative way) every single system of your body. Quit first. Then use your workouts to get through the cravings. Win win! :)
  • I was a 2 PAD smoker...quit Sept 2012 as a part of this whole Good Livin' thing I'm high on. I used an e-cig and reduced my nicotine dose bit by bit until I got to zero nicotine. I did this over about 6 months. I still pull on my zero nicotine from time to time, but not much anymore. Once these batteries I have are toast, I'm just done period.

    The e-cig really helped a lot with the whole hand to mouth thing and helped ween me off the nastiness. I went with a model that looked and felt nothing like a real cigarette as I wanted to distance myself from that somewhat.

    What brand/model?
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I quit cold turkey after smoking a pack a day for 20 years. December 31, 2009 was a lifesaving day for me! Good luck!
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Allan Carr's book - well worth a read for the information and inspiration...I tried to quit cold turkey after reading this, but failed (was moving across country and starting a new job at this time, could have been the stress).

    Got an me to reduce down to 1-2 cigarettes a day for awhile, smoking habit crept back up until I forgot about the e-cig. About a year later, got serious again about quitting, committed to using my ecig, made a solid list of motivations and another list of how to handle cravings, was kind to myself in all other ways (gave myself little presents, lots of time to relax, scheduled fun things, allowed some extra food treats, etc.) and I managed to quit for real this time, it's been just over a year.

    If you believe you can do it, you can! It's normal to be scared to quit, but never let yourself believe you can't do it! You will be amazed how quickly the cravings go away after the first week or two. The sense of pride and accomplishment is the greatest gift I have ever given myself. Good luck!!
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    I used to smoke 20 a day. I tried giving up a few times using patches, gum etc but always failed. One day I just stopped, cold turkey, it wasn't easy but 10 years later and I look back on quitting as one of the best things I've ever done in my entire life. Good luck
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    I used to smoke a pack a day and quit cold turkey about 5yrs ago.

    close enough to quote. I quit 4 1/2 years ago cold turkey. guess I was just ready
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    My now husband said:

    "I don't date smokers."

    I quit the next day.

    That was sixteen years ago and it was the best decision.
  • My now husband said:

    "I don't date smokers."

    I quit the next day.

    That was sixteen years ago and it was the best decision.

    Wow, lol! My husbands a smoker that smokes 2 packs a day, and doesn't want to quit...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member

    Got it reserved at the library! Thanks!

    It won't take long to read but if it 'clicks' with you it will be worth it.

    You may think it's repetitive, it is, but that is part if the design and why I can quote it off the top of my head more or less verbatim.

    I have a thought to have one still, a few years on, and I just remember the book :)

    There is an audiobook version too.
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    My now husband said:

    "I don't date smokers."

    I quit the next day.

    That was sixteen years ago and it was the best decision.

    I used to argue about my smoking with my now husband. He hated it. The day I quit we had a huge row about it and I actually threw my pack out of the window! As if the neighbours needed any more reason to think i was odd! Haha
  • amraf1024
    amraf1024 Posts: 74
    The whole "cold turkey" isn't realistic for most people, just saying I tried several times and failed...will power or not I just couldn't deal. Granted I had a stressful job n that was always the best release for me anyways a few things that I have found that helps/worked for me.
    First thing I did was plan my day when I would allow my self to smoke say like now if u smoke every hr say okay every 3 hrs ill have one or say when u was up after this meal....however but plan and slowly cut out one or 2 I normally cut one every 5 days
    I know they aren't the greatest but seeds...sunflower seeds helped a ton the constant hand to mouth and was always busy doing that sometimes I'd go out to smoke but just wanted to continue on my I said I know they are bad but smoking is a bit worse lol
    Then I wouldn't allow myself to hang around anyone while they were smoking or if I was smoking I had to be away from everyone this way we can use well its mainly social
    Also don't bother with the e smoke things they do not help most people complain it made them want a real cig but for some it might help if u know someone who has try before u buy
    The less u smoke the more u will realize how much it smells so gear ur washer for some laundry if u smoke in ur car I suggest the fabreeze little squares u put in ur vent 2 every time now that I don't smoke the smells kill me like I'll look at my husband who never smoked and say oh my did I smell like that n he will she his head yes most times....
    Now the hard thing will be like places where u know ill always want a smoke mine is the casino I enjoy them but I know I always smoke I have been since I quit and thankfully the smell bugs me now but then at the same time it sucks that the smell kills me...
    Don't get me wrong it's not easy it will be hard very mentally challenging but it can be done...don't fear failing fear not trying ill be surprised what motivation and planning can do! Best of luck!
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    I've smoked since I was 8 years old. I'm now 45. I was ALWAYS the unhealthy person. Like you, I have now lost a lot of weight and I want to give up smoking as well but I havent done it.

    When I first thought about it I was down about 50lbs and I spoke to a friend of mine who works in sports medicine. She told me not to give up smoking for the moment. Her rationale was that I had made so many changes to my life that if I failed on smoking I may fail on the rest of it. She told me to achieve my weight goal and then think about giving uo smoking. I spoke to my doctor who agreed.

    Sometime in the future when i am where I want to be, I WILL give up smoking but right now I've made huge changes and they need to stabilise before I think about another goal.
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    I smoked every day for 37 years and stopped 3 and 1/2 years ago. The hard part is deciding to stop and accepting that a lifestyle change is going to happen. Get advice from a stop smoking clinic, I used patches for 3 weeks but only because I thought I needed them. Don't fear quitting embrace it as a route to a new you and a life of new experiences and achievements.
  • gillmitch
    gillmitch Posts: 64
    i'm going to try quit this week ordering some sky cigs and i'm going to see how it goes the way I see it is if i'm in full swing with my calorie counting and getting fit then I wont put weight on ? I hope :S
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I smoked for 18 years and have stopped for 8 years. I did it cold turkey not because I wanted to, but we couldn't afford to buy cigarettes anymore. In 2005, a carton of generic cigarettes was $70 CAD and I smoked a carton a week. I traded smoking for eating.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I smoked 2 packs a day for over 35 years and quit with the e-cigarettes. I entered the "vaping world" and haven't had a cigarette since. I started out on 24mg of nicotine and am down to 6 mg now. I tried to smoke a cigarette a couple times and found that I didn't want it, I wanted my vapor! Saving a lot of money also.
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Honestly I would put the weight loss on hold and try to quit smoking first. Not so much give it up, but focus more on quitting first. I feel like quitting smoking and trying to get in shape might be stressful if combined at first, and could sabotage your efforts with one or even both. I would still continue to work out and eat healthy, but place more of an emphasis on how much healthier you will be if you first quit smoking. That's just my opinion stemming from the fact that I think smoking is worse than being overweight :)
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