How do you avoid temptation?



  • babydino2015
    babydino2015 Posts: 9 Member
    @glassyo: yes, dry small spoonfuls dissolving slowly in my mouth makes it a 20 minute snack, if I eat it wet in milk or water it's gone in 60 seconds.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Another vote for building in some evening snacks that you like. Cut them from somewhere else where you are less hungry or interested in food.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    @glassyo: yes, dry small spoonfuls dissolving slowly in my mouth makes it a 20 minute snack, if I eat it wet in milk or water it's gone in 60 seconds.

    LOL that's actually a really good point.
  • carrieraeg
    carrieraeg Posts: 7 Member
    I'll typically distract myself with cleaning or coming to MVP. If this doesn't work I'll drink water, tea, coffee, (sometimes a diet soda on a rare occasion) or snack on some veggies or popcorn if none of the above helps.
  • m27un
    m27un Posts: 217 Member
    What do you do when you're home alone at night, bored, and just wanting to eat everything in the pantry? I've already eaten all my calories for the day, but I'm so tempted to just go eat everything! Any advice?

    Look up low calorie snacks! :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    What do you do when you're home alone at night, bored, and just wanting to eat everything in the pantry? I've already eaten all my calories for the day, but I'm so tempted to just go eat everything! Any advice?

    If it's truly (mostly) boredom, +1 to the hobby idea. Particularly good: Things that keep your hands busy, and ideally require those hands to be clean. Crafts like knitting, crocheting, macrame or embroidery are good candidates; learning to play a musical instrument isn't bad, either.

    If it's more hunger/cravings than boredom, experiment with how your calories & macros are distributed across the day. Yes, as some have said, it can be good to save calories for evening use. But I found that I was less likely to crave evening snacks if I got a good breakfast, with plenty of protein. Go figure!

    Lots of variation is possible in number, size, timing, and nutrient composition of your meals & snacks. Try a variation for a day or two, see if it works better. If not, try a different one.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    I keep the snack size weight watchers fudge bars in my freezer. Only 45 calories and totally satisfying. If I recognize that I'm looking for snacks out of boredom I try to find something else to do, usually cleaning. If I'm actually hungry, I eat a fudge bar. Other than that, I just try not to keep any super calorie dense foods in the house so as to avoid mindless munching.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    I honestly don't get tempted much at all because mfp keeps me accountable. But when I do I just read or something that occupies the entire attention span