No loss but doing nothing differently

I've so far lost 16lb since 28.12.15 the first 14lb was really quick however in the last 2 weeks I've started to either not loose or gain yet I'm doing nothing differently, I'm eating the same, moving the same if not more. What can I do to get it moving again- am I doing something wrong ?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Weight loss isn't linea
  • If you don't already, try lifting! (Women don't have the same testosterone levels PLUS we have higher estrogen levels, so don't worry about looking too "manly" if you worry about that.)

    Also, HIIT is AWESOME!! I personally recommend the Tabata form: 20 seconds of 100% effort followed by 10 seconds of rest, 20 / 10, 20 / 10 (etc.,) for 8 total rounds of 30 seconds. It's only 4 minutes, and it keeps your body burning calories for up to 24 hours. You can apply the Tabata style to weights, cardio, body-weight exercises...even swimming!

    Try adding more protein to burn more fat, and some BCAA's (in a 2:1:1 ratio). Make sure you're taking a multivitamin as well. You have to constantly challenge your body -- if you're not challenging it, it WON'T change. That means changing up your workout regularly.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Your body is lighter from the weight loss, meaning you burn less calories. You shouldn't expect to lose at the same rate now. You may also have to tighten up your logging; the margin of error gets smaller when there's less to lose.
  • Darjaurhziva
    Darjaurhziva Posts: 28 Member
    Patience, add one more exercise day, patience, logging everything - a spoon of oil on salad too, lemon juice...., that 5g of chocolate your friend gave you, patience,....slow progress and you will reach your goal. The time will pass anyway.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Are you weighing everything amd logging accurately? If yes.....just wait it out. Sometimes weight loss stalls and its NEVER linear and universal (you will not always lose 2lbs a week or whatever yours used to..)

    What part of your cycle are you in? About 2 months after i started with mfp, i noticed a trend in my weight loss. I only register a loss in the second half of my cycle (from ovulation to my period). I never see a loss in the first half. However, if i focus on CICO and log accurately in the first half of my cycle, i always see a big loss in the second half. This month, i registered a 3.5# loss in a 3 day time frame...after NOTHING for 18 days. Im expecting another 1-2# in the next few days, before my period comes next week.

    Your cycle may vary...but almost universally women retain water a few days a month...but up to a few weeks. Pay attention to your cycle to see if you notice a pattern in regards to weight loss.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    The more weight you lose, the fewer calories you need. Recalc your calorie needs in MFP. Also realize that weight loss does not happen every day and every week. I recently went 3 weeks with no loss, then in 2 days the scales dropped 2 pounds! It's just the way the body works.