I would love to add some more active friends on here as I try to be more consistent myself. I want to be healthy so I can to live to see my grandkids. I want to be able to get down on the ground or run in the yard with them. I also struggle sometimes with depression, and taking care of my health helps.

I'm an author trying to find balance. I sometimes struggle with my dedication to my health when I get focused on my books. I love to lift weights and play ball, but my knees aren't what they used to be.
I'm always happy to receive messages, so feel free to hit me up. I could use the support and accountability.
I write fantasy and/or sci-fi for the most part. If you ever want to check out my work then let me know.

P.S. I am an award winning writer, but I'm not a famous best-selling, big time author... not yet anyway. : )
