Nurse/Vegan Hello out there

I have been doing MFP over 50 days and am enjoyong every minute. I have challenges. I'm a nurse which means 12hr shifts only on two days of the week along with my other nurse job where I'm on my feet and unable to eat my snacks to keep me from getting to the extreme hunger gonna eat everything in site. Other problem I face is getting off work so late in the day makes it hard to workout. Would love motivation there and hoping to find som here. So, I'm a vegan.....yes I make mostly everything I eat and my protien comes mostly in the form of Seitan which I make....I have allergies to soy so can't eat that type of protien and ficured out with MFP that I was eating way to many carbs so...I would love to meet fellow vegans out there to learn there protien ways as well. My profile is public so take a look...look forward to meeting fellow MFP.


  • merj941
    merj941 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I too am a nurse and transitioning from vegetarian to vegan. I am currently doing a 21 day vegan challenge (on day 3). Have you been vegan long? Any suggestions on transitioning in a healthy way. I know there can be a lot of processed foods and substitutes that I want to avoid. As far as the 12 hour shift issue I totally get it. Would you be able to sneak like a bar or almonds in your pocket? I have literally gotten to the point where I make myself go to the break room to have a quick snack. In my mind it's better for my patients if I am taking care of myself thinking clearly. We all know it will not be encouraged by anyone else you just have to do it for yourself. Let me know if you think of any tricks on working out after a shift! I don't know how people do it!!
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    Welcome to MFP
    Nurse too, long time vegetarian..... Not quite vegan for several months now ( I have backyard chickens - pets, pest control, walking yard ornaments, compost turners and most of my girls lay eggs
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    Dang.... Part of my post was cut off.... Anyway, I rarely use eggs anymore, only my own hens that are fed organic, have a very large coop and covered outdoor run for bad weather and a big fenced in yard to range in.
    You may want to check out a group here ' Happy Herbivores' Lots of vegetarian/vegan folks and links to resources
  • mrsthompson662
    mrsthompson662 Posts: 16 Member
    Sound like fun having your own chickens. Thanks for replying. I will definitely check out the Happy Herbivores.
  • egporras
    egporras Posts: 17 Member
    Hey . I been vegan 7 years en this ap help me to follow my calories. And golds . I recoment you , star with smooties. Is the easies way to you. Good luck. Any time
  • mrsthompson662
    mrsthompson662 Posts: 16 Member
    Will try thank you
  • mrsthompson662
    mrsthompson662 Posts: 16 Member
    merj941 wrote: »
    Hi there! I too am a nurse and transitioning from vegetarian to vegan. I am currently doing a 21 day vegan challenge (on day 3). Have you been vegan long? Any suggestions on transitioning in a healthy way. I know there can be a lot of processed foods and substitutes that I want to avoid. As far as the 12 hour shift issue I totally get it. Would you be able to sneak like a bar or almonds in your pocket? I have literally gotten to the point where I make myself go to the break room to have a quick snack. In my mind it's better for my patients if I am taking care of myself thinking clearly. We all know it will not be encouraged by anyone else you just have to do it for yourself. Let me know if you think of any tricks on working out after a shift! I don't know how people do it!!

    Hi. I've been a vegan for almost 2yrs. Was a easy transition for cheese was really the only thing to figure out for me but once I found Kite Hill cream cheese and Treeline cheese I was good. Started to not hate Diaya cheese after awhile as well guess taste buds changed. So snacking on 12hr shift I'm an ER nurse so I would snack when I charted...Vega Performence protien bars (peanut butter only for me) or snack bag of crasins tropical nut mix. It's still jard on some days when I'm super busy. Meals...I meal prep in a day off its a life saver. Good luck with your transition.
  • MissCatLady
    MissCatLady Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I'm not a nurse but I'm an aspiring vegan. I can send you lots of love & support though :)
  • Hey, fellow vegan checking in :)

    I get protein from seitan, beans, lentilles mainly.

    I wouldn't worry about "too many carbs", they are not the enemy. I generally eat 80/10/10 and I hit the gym 3-4 times a week and I'm building muscle just fine. Protein requirements are waaaaaay overblown by the meat, dairy, egg and fitness industries.
  • mrsthompson662
    mrsthompson662 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree about protien. It's need yes but to much can turn into fat as well. I try to workout daily but sometimes the tiredness of the day keeps me from working out. I was eating way to many wrong carbs...meaning tons of white rice so had to back off on that. I noticed a difference with my weight once I backed off on the rice. Carbs from beans and veggies .ot a biggy I burn right through that with workout. Thanks for the reply.
  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    Also a nurse- on the Daniel fast, so vegan for the time being. Trying to make healthy choices.
    Couple years ago was extremely low fat keto dieter and mainly lived on lean meat & whey protein. Exercised daily & was in great shape.
    Then got super sick on tainted meat- can't bear anything that even tastes like animal now, including vegan fake meats for past year.
    Gained 35 lbs because was mostly eating refined starches & sugars as newbie vegetarians tend to do. Stopped exercising due to knee injury from running & lost lots of muscle mass.
    My goal is to keep most of these Daniel fast habits in place after lent and push myself back into an exercise regime.
    Never time at work (call lights never stop!) for actually eating, but a veg/fruit/seed/grain smoothie brought from home & sipped while charting or on the phone helps keep energy up.
    Starving upon entering my house is the main issue! Start eating when I get home & just keep grazing until time for bed.
    Would live to swap ideas & inspirations for a healthy plant based way of eating.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Most of the vegans don't seem to participate much in the forums. There are a few of us, but most seem to stick to the groups.

    Try here:

    or here

  • lsq110
    lsq110 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello from a vegan nurse too :)