
I'm Jan. 59 years old with about 140 pounds to lose. I work full time in the home health care field as an office manager. I'm 5'7" and consider myself alternative. Whatever that means. I have tattoos, 6 dogs and a 26 year old daughter.
My motivation is mainly my daughter: she takes after me and has over 100 to lose as well. I don't want her to have the knee and back problems I have.
Also, nearly tipped the scale at 400 #'s January at my physical. Dr said I'm pre-diabetic. Scary. So, it's time to drop some weight before it's too late.
Even scarier is knowing I may have a twin plumpie!!!! Lol!


  • Annabinoid
    Annabinoid Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Jan! I have over 150 to lose as well. I'm 29, my name's Anne. Feel free to add me if you want some random buddies!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    Welcome! MFP was my ticket out of obesity. Read the forums, you will quickly learn what to retain and what to dismiss. Get a digital scale!! weigh and log everything that goes into your gob. Get a HRM. At your weight, you do NOT have to eat 1200 to lose. If you follow MFP and have a HRM eat back your exercise calories, but only actual exercise. Not housecleaning, not cooking, thats just stuff you do everyday. Know that you will have bad days, you will sometimes feel guilty for eating the slice of cake. What it takes is consistency. And over time you will realize you can have cake AND not feel guilty AND lose weight. Make good choices 90% of the time and you will surprise yourself how easy it really is. Go get it!
  • benriqueta
    benriqueta Posts: 1 Member
  • disco_heat
    disco_heat Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck with your upcoming journey! If you'd like some company along the way feel free to add me :)