Meal Timing/Frequency

Lately I've noticed a change in my perceived need to eat some semblance of a meal. Let me 'splain... I grew up eating 3 square a day with minimal snacking (I was a very active kid who was always romping around the yard with my dog or playing something; I rarely sat!). It's what we did. Now as an adult, I find that I'm needing to eat more frequently. It doesn't seem to matter how large my meals are, my body seems to be telling me that I need food every 2 hours or so. This is how it tells me: dizzy, mild nausea, strange "light" feeling in my arms/legs. If I had a glucometer, I'd check my blood sugar during these episodes, even though there's not even a remote hint of diabetes in my family (we are all tall, lean Dutchies). However, this is what my body is doing. If I eat a little something, this feeling goes away.

So I'm trying to change to more frequent, smaller meals daily. It's not an easy change because I am still "programmed" to eat 3 larger meals a day. I'm curious if anyone has any insight into this perceived change (I'm saying perceived because I don't know if it's just in my head) and if anyone has experienced the same. I do, by the way, drink as much H2O as I can, daily.

My lifestyle is still active; I hate sitting still. I'm a distance runner (not currently training) and I have a horse, so I'm in the barn doing barn chores daily (lifting hay bales, cleaning stalls, sweeping, etc.).

You can look at my diary but be aware I've not been completing them. Yes, I know, I know...

Stats if anyone requests: 41/F, 5-foot-10, 148 lbs.