Weight, body fat & measurements


So I started a new training regime 3 weeks ago - more weight training combined with HIIT and a completely over hauled diet

So after 3 weeks - I've dropped 8lbs in weight and 2.5% body fat.....but none of my measurements have changed......can someone explain why?

I would have thought with the drop in body fat it would have meant I Would have lost at least some size? No?

Start weight was 138lbs, start BF was 24.9%, I'm 5' 5' female and 26 years old! Was looking to get to around 20% BF but assumed that would mean my body would tighten up & my measurements going down

Any advice would be appreciated!


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i am interested too. I also am trying to lose body fat to around 20-21 % but yet want to kinda maintain my weight, i will lose a bit but i dont' want to lose much more. I do my measurements monthly and i started clx ( chalean extreme) , 2.5 months ago and all my measurements are the same.. yet i can see some definition, etc so i am not sure why my measurements are the same? i do the little fat tester thingy but i find i never get the same spot twice, so i don't really know if i actually have lost bf or not? i take pics every 30 days too and in the pics i don['t see much of a change? not sure what's goign on?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    in that short time period you've mostly lost water weight and the BF% measurement is well within the margin for error
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    I am not seeing a difference either, and I lost 10lbs so far. I am not worried. I am starting to notice and feel a change. We just got to be patient it WILL happen if you continue it.