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  • stcyburley
    I know it's hard for most people to believe, but some people have a larger body structure and no matter what eating habits they have or how much/what kind of exercising they do their waist will not shrink. My best friend is in the military and has struggled like you at every fitness exam. When she came back after having twins she almost didn't pass her fitness. She did a fast/cleansing then ate only raw whole veggies for 1 month before her test. She ran every single day, 4 times she collapsed from exhaustion/malnutrition. She been back on active duty now for 2 mos and thankfully her CO does not put stock in the fitness test as long as she is able to keep up with the rest of the troop. She skyped with me over the weekend and she says that she weighs more now then she ever did before her pregnancy and yet she has no problem keeping up and sometimes outdoing they guys.

    Keep up the hard work, but don't try to kill yourself. As long as you are eating right and exercising right the rest will fall in line. At least enough to pass your fitness exam. :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    What are you afraid of?(I'm not taunting you, I'm just curious what you feel is going to happen, and if you need to be so worried.) I'm sure they have waivers/do-overs, and they are not going to kick you out of the Military. They just are going to stay on you. It's the Military. It's all about Discipline.

    ps. Thank you for your service. It's going to be okay. Breathe! :smile:

  • shandrasixx
    :happy: in a pinch I guess you can do one of those wraps right before PT.
  • AshleyNDavis12
    What are you afraid of?(I'm not taunting you, I'm just curious what you feel is going to happen, and if you need to be so worried.) I'm sure they have waivers/do-overs, and they are not going to kick you out of the Military. They just are going to stay on you. It's the Military. It's all about Discipline.

    ps. Thank you for your service. It's going to be okay. Breathe! :smile:


    There are do-overs but with all the cuts. 3 failures and you are out. I failed one 2 years ago after a pretty nasty knee injury. We already have someone in our office who is seperating at the end of the month due to 3 pt failures. And it is just a very real possibility. And since this is the only job I've ever had, I don't see too many places wanting to hire someone with no experience other than 4 years of military service (you would be surprised how hard it is for people to find work after the military)

    I think it's just a mental... scared to death thing. Espeically after getting out on the PT track and seeing how big it is... It loops around 2 "football" fields. So it's just a huge OMG kind of thing...
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member

    First of all congratulations, your baby is so cute!

    I have been working toward losing weight for 1 and 1/2 years and successfully lost 40 pounds--more importantly kept it off.

    I have been on a lot of "diets" in the past, but the most successful diet was South beach, which is based on a low glycemic index. Now, granted, I gained all of the weight back, and wouldn't recommend it for the long haul, but lost a lot of weight, probably 25 pounds in six months, and it does help get the weight off the abdomen first, for some reason. It is very restrictive and I gained it all back a year after I lost it, however. But for a quick fix, (and I needed one--for my wedding), I would recommend it. Drink a lot of water because one's body retains a lot of water when one doesn't get enough, and it shows up in one's abdomen and upper thighs.

    I am losing weight now because of portion control and exercise, including cardio and weight loss. The good news is I can eat an occasional donut and it is not going to balloon my weight. So South beach diet to get through your test, and then go back to doing it (I think) the right way.

    In my opinion, I don't think that it is your hormones. You are young and that should have normalized in 6 months time. It is more likely that you are tired and stressing and your body has clamped down on weight loss.

    I hope that I was able to help. I wouldn't recommend one of those diets but you need something for this emergency.
  • nitza53
    nitza53 Posts: 45 Member
    I am former Navy and remember how hard those fitness tests were. especially when I was over 30 and had two kids! When they started doing the measuring thing I just about lost it,, I'm only 5'2 and never had a waistline. Do the best you can and try not to worry. It won't help. Prove that you are healthy and fit; no matter what the tape measure says. Good Luck and post how it went, YN1 Hamilton, USN, (Medically Retired)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    What are you afraid of?(I'm not taunting you, I'm just curious what you feel is going to happen, and if you need to be so worried.) I'm sure they have waivers/do-overs, and they are not going to kick you out of the Military. They just are going to stay on you. It's the Military. It's all about Discipline.

    ps. Thank you for your service. It's going to be okay. Breathe! :smile:


    There are do-overs but with all the cuts. 3 failures and you are out. I failed one 2 years ago after a pretty nasty knee injury. We already have someone in our office who is seperating at the end of the month due to 3 pt failures. And it is just a very real possibility. And since this is the only job I've ever had, I don't see too many places wanting to hire someone with no experience other than 4 years of military service (you would be surprised how hard it is for people to find work after the military)

    I think it's just a mental... scared to death thing. Espeically after getting out on the PT track and seeing how big it is... It loops around 2 "football" fields. So it's just a huge OMG kind of thing...

    If you had a knee injury you should have gotten a waiver and not failed. What craptastic command are you at? Army?

    If your weigh in is in 10 days do you need to lose two inches? How many pounds do you need to lose, vice inches? It sounds to me that anything over an inch or five pounds is too much for that short amount of time. So, all the tricks I've seen...


    Diuretics can help you poop and pee anything extra you have in your system. Do them about a day before weigh in and don't eat anything substantial. Water pill you can start a couple days before.

    Dehydrate yourself. Cardio your butt off. Wear the sauna...after a long row on the rowing machine. If you don't get a good sweat going on a rowing machine you're doing it wrong.

    Day before - Rub your body with preperation-H and saran wrap. Some people swear by this, but I've never had much luck.

    If you need any more tricks google "High school wrestling weight loss tricks". Remember, none of this stuff is good for you and might put you in the hospital if take it too far.
  • fadedflower79
    fadedflower79 Posts: 80 Member
    What are you afraid of?(I'm not taunting you, I'm just curious what you feel is going to happen, and if you need to be so worried.) I'm sure they have waivers/do-overs, and they are not going to kick you out of the Military. They just are going to stay on you. It's the Military. It's all about Discipline.

    ps. Thank you for your service. It's going to be okay. Breathe! :smile:


    There are do-overs but with all the cuts. 3 failures and you are out. I failed one 2 years ago after a pretty nasty knee injury. We already have someone in our office who is seperating at the end of the month due to 3 pt failures. And it is just a very real possibility. And since this is the only job I've ever had, I don't see too many places wanting to hire someone with no experience other than 4 years of military service (you would be surprised how hard it is for people to find work after the military)

    I think it's just a mental... scared to death thing. Espeically after getting out on the PT track and seeing how big it is... It loops around 2 "football" fields. So it's just a huge OMG kind of thing...

    A larger track can have some advantages but it makes it hard to gauge your laps. I ALWAYS have someone run with me... I run all the time but with the stress of the test I am always so worried that I will feel overwhelmed and crap-out (it is just a huge mental game) so having someone to run with me keeps me motivated! When my friends couldn't leave work to run with me, I had my trainer come even... do things to make it feel like it is just another workout session and not a test! :)

    Oh.. and know that if there is a failure you have 45 days (to 90) to retest so there is time to continue but recovering from a failure is not always easy. The commander typically does not step in unless the retest is a failure too but there may be a markdown on the EPR (I disagree because ONE PT failure in a year does not constitute a trend in my opinion) but with all the downsizes... the powers-that be are not trying to make this right or fair but instead using it as a tool to reduce total numbers (so we loose phenomenal Airmen because of this at times) **sigh**

    May I ask what base you are at?
  • maineapple
    maineapple Posts: 133 Member
    I agree with what several people have said on here - try to get a medical note that can buy you some more time. You mentioned "rabbit" food so that makes me wonder if you are getting enough calories? After the birth of my second child I exercised 5 times a week doing FIRM workouts which were tough aerobics with weights and only lost 5 lbs in 6 months. It is very discouraging to say the least. I empathize with what you are saying having been there myself. Good luck.
  • Montana_mama
    Montana_mama Posts: 19 Member
    I think it is insane that you have to pass an arbitrary "fitness test" 6 mo postpartum. This needs to change. As long as we are trying to be more inclusive as a society and in the military, we should be honest about what women need. Anyway, I don't have anything constructive to add about quick weight loss. Just know that I was certainly not back to my regular weight at 6 mo, and I feel for you. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this while caring for an infant.
  • 007FatSlayer
    007FatSlayer Posts: 132 Member
    I'm assuming you're in the AF b/c you're really worried about your waist size and not your weight...stay away from sodium...have very little of it and don't eat anything that will cause you to bloat (grain, dairy, beans, legumes, etc). Yeah it will suck, but your stomach will be more flat. I think I read you mentioned something about push your minimum a few times each day and if you become sore from this, stop about 2 days doing it before the test. 10 days isn't really enough time to get your push ups higher.

    Also, if you're in the AF, they're not cutting as many people as they are in the other branches.

    It's too easy-- you can do this. If you fail, it's a learning experience(but, if you've worked as hard as you've said, you have nothing to worry about).
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Have you tried NOT eating like a rabbit?

    Because I saw the biggest reduction in my body fat (and a shrinking waist) when I was eating near maintenance and lifting heavy weights. With too big of a deficit, and with just cardio, my body does not want to drop the fat. It's like a car stuck in the snow with the wheels spinning... the more I gunned the engine, the more stuck I'd get. I needed to shift it into low gear to get moving.

    Plus, with a small deficit and a lot of protein, I had a lot more strength and endurance.
  • AshleyNDavis12

    May I ask what base you are at?

    Elmendorf (Anchorage Alaska)
  • AshleyNDavis12
    I think it is insane that you have to pass an arbitrary "fitness test" 6 mo postpartum. This needs to change. As long as we are trying to be more inclusive as a society and in the military, we should be honest about what women need. Anyway, I don't have anything constructive to add about quick weight loss. Just know that I was certainly not back to my regular weight at 6 mo, and I feel for you. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this while caring for an infant.

    Thank you. I agree. There is one other girl in my office that has just had a baby and it is a widely known fact that the standard to pop back into pre pregnancy states is outrageous. But it just happens. Luckily I guess, I only gaied 27lbs during my pregnancy... 9.7 of that was my son.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    It seems you've tried all sorts of gimmicks but not eating at a proper deficit (not too low).
    Check out these links:

    Be realistic and be patient. You won't be in top shape in 10 days. Give you a few months.