Not losing inches or lbs. feeling pretty low.

I'm a 17 year old girl and I'm 5'4 weighing 142 lbs. I'm desperately trying to lose weight and am aiming at 130. I been on Herbalife for a month (two shakes, two teas) and I exercise 5-6 days a week. On MWF's I run a mile then alternate between lower (running stairs, lifting tires, lunges, short sprints) and upper body (abs arms and back workouts). It gets my heart racing so I assume that's good. On TR and sometimes Saturday's I walk 2-3 miles each day with my friends around the track but its very speedy walking. I don't eat any kind if junk food or sugary snacks/drinks and its been about a month already. I'm not losing weight or inches. What am I doing wrong? My only meal is protein full and includes lots of veggies, I also drink about 3 16.9 oz water bottles a day . Please give me some advice and motivation.


  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    How many calories are you eating?
  • kimeri20
    kimeri20 Posts: 3
    I don't remember the number but it's enough. The protein shakes replace one meal. Gaaah I can't remember
  • elawoman72
    elawoman72 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello! Your fitness routine sounds fun! I am pertty certain you are not consuming enough nutrition for your level of activity.

    Switch to whole, natural foods vs. those shakes and you will see a difference.

    Wish I had youth on my side and knew then what I know now....

    Much luck on your journey!
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    why are you using myfitnesspal if you're not tracking your calories with it? that's what the site is designed to do. just because the herbalife shakes say they "replace one meal," that doesn't mean you're getting the correct amount of calories for your personal needs. the point of most shake/bar/etc. systems is to drop your calories stupidly low so anyone will lose doing the system. that's not going to work for you.

    you need to determine how many calories you need to eat in order to lose weight and then eat that number of calories. if the shakes help you get to that number of calories, cool. you will need to eat more real food to meet that goal, especially considering the amount of exercise you're doing. the easiest way to start doing this is to plug your information into the mfp calculator and let it suggest a number for you. eat that number for a month, and if you're not losing weight, do some fine tuning with the amount or type of calories you're eating and exercise you're doing.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Well, there's a lot left out here to understand.

    while you tell us your body weight, without an understanding of your mix of mass (lean tissue vs. fat tissue) it's difficult to know whether your indicated weight of 142 is good or bad. suggest you get a scale or a test and figure out whether your body mass is in the proportions you want.

    Lets assume that by any reasonable definition you have more 'fat' than you want or should have. many on this site will suggest managing your calories down. As a low carb guy, I'm going to advance the theory that you need to get your carbs under control first and worry less about the calories. so adjust your MFP to customer, track your food for a while and give us some data on your calories and your carbohydrates. if you set your MFP goals to custom, cut your carbs down to under 100 grams per day and see what that 'feels' like for a week or two. then keep us posted. happy to help. If you have not already been low carbing your intake you'll see a drop of about 10 pounds of water weight when you drop the carbs and that might cheer you up.