food vent - sooooo stressed

Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I don't diet, I never have. But for 3 months, watched what I ate, didn't snack, entered everything in this site. And with the help of a trainer, and this sites food journal lost 7 lbs in 7 weeks. Which is my last 10 lbs so it's not that bad ...

Then I got promoted 4 weeks ago. Something I never noticed before, when I'm stressed I eat! Call it comfort food?

I have never had these levels of stress in my life. I have a rash all over my face, I feel sick all the time, and I just eat constantly, in 4 weeks I've put back on weight - too scared to weigh myself, Even though I run, train, hike play ball, or tennis everyday. Exercise is just not enough for me to lose and maintain my last 10 lbs loss...

I'm so depressed. I live in a small town, and have a good secure high paying job, which I'll never find again if I quit, unless I move to the city. And I don't know how to maintain my stress...

Or stop eating so much. I never ate like this before, I'm having an affair with food, cuz I even hide how much I eat from my sig other.

2 peanut butter smothered rice crackers
A huge bowl of Boston Pizza Alfredo/fettuchini/baked cheese/chicken pasta
Starbucks Fruit and Cheese Bowl
Starbucks Oat Bar
2 cups of sunflower seeds (salted)
HUGE steak (5X my palm size) with sweet BBQ sauce
1 cup of roasted potatoes
Bag of popcorn

This is what i consumed just yesterday! How do I not eat when Im stressed?!

/ super long rant!


  • Paul76
    Paul76 Posts: 158
    You need to find a different outlet for your stress. Normally, I'd suggest a run or some cardio, but it sounds like you've tried that and it's not working. Maybe it just comes down to will power and choices. You know you could have chosen not to eat any of those things yesterday, but you chose to. Choose differently. Don't look at an entire week or an entire day, just look at one choice at a time and it doesn't seem so overwhelming. If you stick to the motto "make my next choice the right one", the right choices will add up and you'll do great!

    Stay motivated, you can do it!
  • autumn130
    autumn130 Posts: 48
    Is it possible you might be pregnant?
  • denisemm
    denisemm Posts: 3
    I was recently promoted also and my eating habits took a turn for the worse. I have started chewing sugarless gum and keep a stash of the "share" containers everywhere - desk, car etc.
    I pop them constantly - as soon as I feel my heartrate increase and I chew until the feeling passes.
    Good luck (and congratulations!)
  • kzulock
    kzulock Posts: 6
    I also have a fairly stressful job, and have been known to eat when stressed. The best thing to do is to find something else to do. If I am having a super stressful day, I go home and knit or cross stitch. Something that keeps my hands busy, so I am not mindless munching on snacks. Also, not keeping unhealthy snacks at my desk helps me not to eat them when I'm stressed, if I have to physically get up, find change, and walk to the breakroom to get something less than healthy, then I have time to evaluate if I really want that item and if I have time to get all that done, plus my work.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Have you considered going to see a therapist to help you learn how to deal with stress in a healthy way?
    Stress makes me absolutely CRAZY too, and my psychologist + prescribing psychiatrist have used a combination of therapy and medication to make my life SO much more pleasant and have taught me how to manage my stress and depression much more effectively. It's worth a try if you haven't already...definitely can't hurt!
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    Is it possible you might be pregnant?

    She's trying to reduce her stress!!! LOL.
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    I don't diet, I never have. But for 3 months, watched what I ate, didn't snack, entered everything in this site. And with the help of a trainer, and this sites food journal lost 7 lbs in 7 weeks. Which is my last 10 lbs so it's not that bad ...

    Then I got promoted 4 weeks ago. Something I never noticed before, when I'm stressed I eat! Call it comfort food?

    If you have to eat when stressed, eat carrots. They have this refreshing, and destressing CRUNCH, and have almost no calories, but add roughage to your system....great if you get constipated when you stress.

    For years, I gained weight when I ate no more than I do now, while losing weight...stress is an evil witch...

    Also, try portioning out parts of meals, meat in one container, veggies in another...for your whole day's calories and eating one portion at a time when you feel the need to munch.

    Get more rest, even if it means turning off your favorite tv program so you can go to sleep.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Journal. Not just your food. But sometimes writing emotions down and getting them out can help.
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    i just tried looking at ur diary... u should try logging ur food. it helped me A LOT!!!!! i realized how i could have a tub full of salad lol and itll still be less than my favorite lasagna palm size portion.
    im studying for a boards exam at the moment and booooyyy am i a stressed eater.
    as im studying, i have to be crunching!!!

    i try to load up on veggies and fruits
    seriously a huge huge salad with ur choice of lean protein never even reaches 300 cals.
    i snack on carrots.. apples.. air popped popcorn...
    idk.. im in the same boat somewhat.. its so tough but good luck tho!!!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    More people than you think are emotional eaters. You have reached the first step in acknowledging that you are one. I am one too and I am still working through some food issues. What I do when I am eating due to stress, anger, boredom... I will say to myself, would eating this really make me feel any better about the situation? The answer is no, it won't. It will only stress me out more and make me depressed to think I ate that due to some kind of emotional response. I have to learn how to deal with my emotions and also learn new ways to deal with stress.

    Just try to deal with your stress in a healthy manner by maybe going for a walk or talking to someone instead of eating. Eating doesn't help the situation because when you are done eating, the stress is still there and you are more depressed.

    One other thing, when eating your emotions, are you even tasting the foods? I find when I have eating due to an emotional response, I don't even notice the food going in my mouth. I am only looking for some kind of solution to the problem. Once again, it is wasteful eating that doesn't produce a good result.
  • stress is a horrible thing and I do believe too much could actually kill someone, I know a female who lost all of her hair after her baby died and she found out her husband had been cheating, for a long time she just wore a bandana and looked alot like a chemo patient, this was years ago and the longest I have ever seen her hair is almost to her shoulders, it is very patchy and pretty horrid looking, my husband went through a very stressful summer last year and even though he was still eating the same he dropped 10/12 pounds and he was even more stressed for losing weight he doesn't need to lose. Luckily we moved and got away from his stress so now he is back where he is comfortable, wish I had his worries lol. Everyone is different and I hope you find a way to help you cope, seems you have been given some good advice, can't say I know how you feel because I am not a stress eater, I am a bored eater......
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    Hi there,

    I feel you! I stress/emotional eat as well. I also HATE my job, but in this economy/job market, what do you do? I have a job, with great benefits.

    I read up on the topic and a lot of the feedback is the same. Get up, move around, remove yourself from the situation for a bit. Do something to distract yourself rather than eat. The biggest/#1 thing to do when you are tempted? Phone a friend. Yep, they say reaching out to a friend, via a call, email, chat, whatever can calm your nerves and make you feel a little better, enough to help you realize you are NOT hungry just prone to an emotional/stressful situation.

    I agree with the chewing of the gum and drinking a lot of water. A friend turned me onto to the lotion from Origins, it's like $10 for a small bottle but it lasts a long time. It's called Peace of Mind (Sensory Therapy). You rub some on your temples, some on your neck, and a little under your nostrils and inhale. Eucalyptus & mint are supposed to having a calming effect and curb cravings. I share it with my co-workers and they love it!

    I also make notes in my food diary. I try to keep a log of when I eat, what I eat and why. It's supposed to help you find those triggers and find a way to work around them.

    Good luck to you! At least you have this great outlet for support :-)
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I am not so terribly stressed at work these days, but I know the feeling, and it creeps back every now and then. Just yesterday I found myself prowling the kitchen area of my office, looking for snacks. I didn't find much and I resisted what I did find. I think the reason is because I have been being held accountable by a few things. 1. Logging into this site, and even though I don't have a lot of friends, I still want to make my weight loss ticker show a new weight loss number every week. 2. My 2 sisters ARE my friends on this site and I know they check my food and exercise diaries, and even though we say "it's not a competition", the fact that I know they are watching helps me make better choices and have will power. 3. One of my co-workers has lost a lot of weight over the same period as me (since January) and we walk every day at lunchtime and we inspire each other to keep on track.

    And finally, I think a lot of it is developing habits. You have to work to develop GOOD habits. Then it gets easier. If you always give in to the BAD habits, THAT is what is easiest. Not sure if that makes sense, but it is my two cents. :bigsmile:
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Thanks guys for all the feedback, really feels good I'm not alone in the overeating boat. .. sucks cuz I work out so hard and not seeing results anymore is just shameful! Good tips one and all, I bought some gum, but I hate carrotts! lol and cucumbers, I like Avacados as far as veggies go .. (or is that a fruit? no idea) lol

    Lisamarie... I head Logistics, Marketing and merchandising for Subaru Rally Team Canada. So I travel to rallies, design and sell clothing, and marketing materials. And basically run the show for a 12 man team, who are all spread out across the country, I have to account for every second of their movement for 7 days surrounding and at events. I work with 12 young men, and it can be very stressful sometimes.

    Its the clothing and marketing materials that are stressing me out, cuz I have to please all sponsors (we have 6) and my boss (the driver) Iv'e had 5 weeks to make this ALL happen! We leave tonight, and my Tshirts and Posters have not arrived yet ... ! STRESSED1
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