Tell me what im doing wrong.



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    Wednesday february 17th is the regulat way i eat... i have had my daughters sleep over so wasnt mych on track my hubby just threw stuff on the grill and we relaxed....
    I workout everyday

    Again, that isn't reflected in your diary. And you aren't getting the results you want so the likely culprit is you are eating more than you think.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    45.. i add it myself..they put ut in a small cup... i knoww. I am very careful @Annr
    Good girl:-) Me and heavy cream are like evil enemies. I applaud you! I looked on a site where it had the Add-ons listed for Starbucks so you must get like 1/2 of their normal serving. I would like be dumping whatever they gave me!
    Interesting site though :-)
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    So i need to weight half of a quest bar?? I mean come on i usually will take 1/4 of it mix in greek yogurt and its desert or bfast.

    Bfast is mostly a boiled egg and some 1 celery stick with a tsp of natutal why would i need to weight that???
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    So i need to weight half of a quest bar?? I mean come on i usually will take 1/4 of it mix in greek yogurt and its desert or bfast.

    Bfast is mostly a boiled egg and some 1 celery stick with a tsp of natutal why would i need to weight that???

    Peanut butter is particularly notorious for being under-estimated when measured by volume, and because it's very calorie-dense, that under-estimation can really add up over time.

    Your logging is inaccurate, I don't know what else to tell you. You may not be eating a *huge* amount more than you think, but because you are so close to your goal and already a small person, the margin of error you have for creating a deficit is very small, and everything about your diary and results suggests that the problem is that you are exceeding that margin.

    You asked what you were doing wrong... that's almost certainly it.

    Although I stand by the assertion that you probably aren't going to get whatever aesthetic changes you're going for by losing three pounds, you're already pretty small, so you might be better served by looking in to strength training and increasing your lean mass vs simply trying to lose weight. This will also let you eat more and not be, as you put it, hungry all the time.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Here are some newbie help posts.
    Definitely read sexypants.

    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."

    Goal setting, including weight, calories, and macros
    Has links to useful sources. Definitely click through to the Baylor College of Medicine (
    calculator which will show you how much you need to eat to maintain a particular weight, and if
    that is a healthy goal for you.
  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    So i need to weight half of a quest bar?? I mean come on i usually will take 1/4 of it mix in greek yogurt and its desert or bfast.

    Bfast is mostly a boiled egg and some 1 celery stick with a tsp of natutal why would i need to weight that???

    If you want to lose those last few pounds you need to tighten up your logging, weigh everything you eat and log it, whether or not it seems trivial to you, it adds up. Guaranteed you're underestimating a lot of things, it's easier to lie to yourself about how much/what you're eating when you don't log it/don't log it accurately.
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    So i need to weight half of a quest bar?? I mean come on i usually will take 1/4 of it mix in greek yogurt and its desert or bfast.

    Bfast is mostly a boiled egg and some 1 celery stick with a tsp of natutal why would i need to weight that???

    Peanut butter is particularly notorious for being under-estimated when measured by volume, and because it's very calorie-dense, that under-estimation can really add up over time.

    Your logging is inaccurate, I don't know what else to tell you. You may not be eating a *huge* amount more than you think, but because you are so close to your goal and already a small person, the margin of error you have for creating a deficit is very small, and everything about your diary and results suggests that the problem is that you are exceeding that margin.

    You asked what you were doing wrong... that's almost certainly it.

    Although I stand by the assertion that you probably aren't going to get whatever aesthetic changes you're going for by losing three pounds, you're already pretty small, so you might be better served by looking in to strength training and increasing your lean mass vs simply trying to lose weight. This will also let you eat more and not be, as you put it, hungry all the time.

    Thats just it...maybe i am being very unclear. I wake up do atleast a 55 min workout from firness blender. I am doing thier weightlifting and cardio routine. I have been lifting for nealry 2 years increasomg weight.i workout 7 days a week..sat and sun is intesnse cardio on the treadmil.i dont wven lof exercise because calories given by workouts and workout equipment are very inaccurate!!!
    So meals are usually morning bottle of water with 1 scoop quest protein powder
    Lunch 1 stalk celery and a tsp of pb and a boiled egg. Somedays i switch up and make a large bowl of salad no dressing.
    Dinner is the meat i make with tons of salad. I hope that clears up. Yes i eat triscuits 6 of them....some days i eat walnuts for snacks... today yes its sunday and my husband made bad foods but i didnt eat loads of them just a bit of each one. I dont eat rice, white potatoes, not much bread, no cereal, not many chips..thats on occasion. 1 oreo tonight just because... uhhh
    Im sorry i wasnt thorough and that my diary is incomplete most days however, i work and have kids and have a mom who just had a stroke and mother n law with congestive heart failure and i have been dieting since 2002. Started at 265
  • dalielahdawn
    dalielahdawn Posts: 141 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    So i need to weight half of a quest bar??

    Yes! That bar probably weighs more than the package says. For example, i like to snack on rice rolls. The package serving is one roll (10g). But I weigh the roll and instead of just logging one roll, I log it by grams. And go figure, one roll is actually usually closer to 18grams. Almost twice as much as the package says. So I wouldn't be logging close to halve the calories I'm really consuming.
    So yes weigh it all!
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Wow... i thought if i ate a 1/4 of a bar then thats how many calories that is. . Thats kind of crazy seeing thats why they put caloroe amount on the pkg.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited February 2016
    OP, with 3 pounds to lose you need to weigh your food! Walnuts, peanut butter, even your triscuits. Peanut butter is very calorie dense, and so are nuts. You are not logging accurately, sorry. There is NO room for error when your this close to goal.

    ETA-protein powder should be weighed too! My scoop comes out to 40grams but the serving is only 30 grams.
  • dalielahdawn
    dalielahdawn Posts: 141 Member
    No. Don't log anything according to what the package says is in a serving. It's almost always more. And depending on what the product is, it can be off by a lot.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Just weight until you weigh your peanut butter. I can almost guarantee you are eating more of it than you think.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Just weight until you weigh your peanut butter. I can almost guarantee you are eating more of it than you think.

    Yep yep. Here's 32 grams, 190 calories .
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    Wow... i thought if i ate a 1/4 of a bar then thats how many calories that is. . Thats kind of crazy seeing thats why they put caloroe amount on the pkg.

    You don't seem to like the answers given here, eh?

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Just weight until you weigh your peanut butter. I can almost guarantee you are eating more of it than you think.

    Yep yep. Here's 32 grams, 190 calories .

    Most depressing :cry:

  • Blondie_130
    Blondie_130 Posts: 22 Member
    edited February 2016
    You are eating more calories than you think
    Tighten up your logging

    Look at this short video and see what not weighing certain foods can do. ( hundreds of calories difference)

    It is really important with a small deficit and the leaner you are to be accurate. Or otherwise cut more in your daily calorie allowance.
    Looking at your diary it seems you are not weighing everything and like others said half days logged. So it looks inaccurate.


    WOW. Thank you for sharing that video! Holy smokes. I use spoons/cups for everything. Absolutely switching to the scale from now on!!!
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    Wow... i thought if i ate a 1/4 of a bar then thats how many calories that is. . Thats kind of crazy seeing thats why they put caloroe amount on the pkg.

    You don't seem to like the answers given here, eh?

    Hence the pkg.. didnt think i needed to weigh a .25 of the bar... i appreciate answers...
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    Superreal wrote: »
    Wow... i thought if i ate a 1/4 of a bar then thats how many calories that is. . Thats kind of crazy seeing thats why they put caloroe amount on the pkg.

    You don't seem to like the answers given here, eh?

    Hence the pkg.. didnt think i needed to weigh a .25 of the bar... i appreciate answers...

    There is always a margin of error allowed on packaged items, I believe up to 20% but someone correct me if I'm wrong. I eat these 80 calories sausages, they're supposed to weigh 68 grams. Some weigh 75grams, and I eat 3 at a time...If I need to get serious about losing, you bet I'm weighing them.
  • dalielahdawn
    dalielahdawn Posts: 141 Member
    "Tell me what I'm doing wrong".

    You're logging portions of packages, instead of by actual weight. You're not accurately logging, which means a lot when you don't have much to lose.
    That is the answer to your question. Sorry you don't like it, but it is what it is.