Confused! Advice please!

Hi everyone this is my first post! I cant find any information on this issue so thought i would post about it! My calorie limit should be around 1400 according to the calculators, i am 5ft 2, lightly active and weigh 70 kg (BMR is 1900). Im losing hardly any weight and i have definitely lost consistently in the past on 1200 so maybe i need to reduce further but i struggle on 1200 indicating this might not be sustainable long term so do i be patient on 1400 or reduce to 1200? Advice appreciated if anyone willing!


  • runningalice
    runningalice Posts: 71 Member
    Im afraid patience! Less than 1200 isnt thay good for you. Just keep at :) how long have you not been losing?
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Define "Losing Hardly Any Weight". If you are losing, keep doing what you are doing and try and be patient. This isn't a race.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    edited February 2016
    I can't give you any sure advice on what to do but I will warn you against listening to any suggestions that you've gone into 'starvation mode' that usually gets offered up on here because it doesn't exist. I will guess that you probably aren't logging accurately and are eating more than you think you are. So maybe tighten that up and select your calories to lose 0.5 lbs a week and see how that goes.
  • candicenitschke
    candicenitschke Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks heaps guys! Ive been on mfp and 1400 cals for 9 days and lost 0.3 kg but then this morning im back to square one again (gained 0.3) so im panicking that maybe i need to aim for less cals to generate weight loss. Or do i need to give it more time as 1400 is very doable for me and 1200 is a struggle. When i was doing jenny Craig on 1200 cals i was losing 0.5kg a week consistently...
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Definitely give it more time. Nine days is nothing, especially when weight loss isn't linear. Make sure you're logging everything as accurately as possible and have a bit of patience.
  • runningalice
    runningalice Posts: 71 Member
    That gaining back is water weight not fat :) get a weight trend app to average out your weight
  • candicenitschke
    candicenitschke Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone ill just keep plodding along then and try and be a bit more patient! :-)
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Specify macros. Probably too many carbs.
  • stephchadz
    stephchadz Posts: 143 Member
    Make sure you are weighing and logging everything you eat! You are probably eating more than you think.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    There's an infographic people post on here, basically a plateau is no weight loss after 3 weeks. So 21 days. So you need to give every change 21 days.

    Secondly, agree with folks who say you need to make sure you are logging accurately. All liquids measured in measuring cups/spoons. All solids weighed on a food scale: rice, cereal, butter, peanut butter - all need to be weighed.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Are you sure about your calories. I'm 5'2 and 160(roughly 72kg) and I am losing eatign between 1300-1400 even though MFP is telling 1200. I agree with stephchadz...make sure you're weighing and logging EVERYTHING!!
  • candicenitschke
    candicenitschke Posts: 9 Member
    Hi sanfomny great to find someone similar to me! How much on average are you losing per week? Is it the 0.5-1kg people say is the approx expected weight loss rate (even tho im tending to ignore that now so i dont become impatient!?) Do you think exercise and drinking water has been key for you in addition to the 1400 cals?. I prob slip up to 1480-1500 max but i am weighing everything and make the conscious choice to go over hoping it wont be such a big deal or make much difference.... thanks all for your input too i appreciate it
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I think you mean your TDEE is 1900? BMR would be about 1350 for your stats. 1400 should allow you to lose weight - though it all comes down to accuracy.
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    Thanks heaps guys! Ive been on mfp and 1400 cals for 9 days and lost 0.3 kg but then this morning im back to square one again (gained 0.3) so im panicking that maybe i need to aim for less cals to generate weight loss. Or do i need to give it more time as 1400 is very doable for me and 1200 is a struggle. When i was doing jenny Craig on 1200 cals i was losing 0.5kg a week consistently...

    My weight fluctuates wildly over the course of a month but the overall trend is down. I weigh every day so I can chart it and not be bothered by the fluctuations. I log my weight into MFP when it looks like a new low is sticking.

  • candicenitschke
    candicenitschke Posts: 9 Member
    Very helpful info it really helps to know if im on the right track or not and that not seeing results right away isnt a reason to give up or reduce cals. Yes youre right StaciMarie1974 :-)
  • farbs
    farbs Posts: 36 Member
    Yep i'd definitely say give it longer before dropping calorie intake. Definitely make sure you are logging accurately and measuring/weighing food.
    This is the 3rd time I've used MFP. First time didn't last long, second time went just over a month and stopped logging.
    This time is different. I'm not worrying about the speed at which i'm losing, just as long as I keep losing. I haven't set any time limits on the weight loss, but more so just to commit to logging each day, even if I have a bad day. Patience is key.

    Good luck :)
  • Spierce02
    Spierce02 Posts: 29 Member
    Try only weighing yourself once a week, in the morning right after you get up. That's what I do now, I use to be obsessed with the scale! My calories are set at 1250. Good luck :)
  • candicenitschke
    candicenitschke Posts: 9 Member
    Is anyone willing to add me if they have an open diary set at around 1400 cals or that i can add? Also how essential do you think water and exercise is? Does 2 litres really make a difference compared with 1 litre for eg? Or three short runs a week compared with being sedentary and on a calorie limit?