Best Proven Method For Weightloss At Age 60



  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    It's not going to magically happen. You need a plan. And if you are already rowing, walking & gardening you need to clearly understand that this will require taking your activity up a notch.
    First off, you can't out walk or out row several hundred calories of wine a night. I have reduced my alcohol consumption in two ways: when I drink I pre log exactly what I can drink... one glass of wine, two glasses, two beers, half a bottle of bubbly... whatever. Prelog it & there are no surprises. And I now have 3 non drinking nights, M-Th.
    When I got serious last August I learned I was already walking 10k steps a day most days. So I set a goal of 100k steps a week. You need goals. And it's very easy to overestimate on the gardening. I don't count that unless it's something very strenuous that causes me to miss a regularly scheduled workout, like removing a stump or spreading mulch. Normal gardening & housekeeping figure into your TDEE. Don't double dip.
    Find a deficit that works for you. Dont go crazy trying to make your 60th bday deadline. You've said yourself you're 9 years overdue. This is the rest of your life your are talking about. Go slow. Get it right.
    Best to you! Once you start you will find it can be very gratifying. xoL

    Yea, target date was 60 for me. Fail. I've revised that to "I really need to do this sometime before I die." Not setting a date seems to work better for me. Making good progress.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    why do you need a whole bottle of wine? that cant be good for your health or your liver.I can see a glass a day but a whole bottle? sorry but no, and thats a lot of extra calories just the wine alone,even without the snacking. cut it out or make a small glass fit into your calories.
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    Lots of honesty & good info from everyone. I gained weight when I retired from the military, just got lazy with food & exercise. No excuses...age, menopause, etc...just lazy & complacent. Luckily I grabbed hold of myself & sorted it, but it was a total wake up for me! I got back down by using WW, but maintaining using MFP.
    You need to have a serious talk with yourself, & perhaps a checkup from your doctor. Being 100 lbs overweight places so many strains & stresses on your have been lucky so far but that won't last.
    There's no magic wand for losing weight @ 59, or less, move more. Weigh, measure, track everything you eat & drink. Instead of spending money & calories on so much wine, put it in a jar & you'll have enough for a nice holiday for your 60th!
    Be honest with yourself; if you cheat your tracking, you're only cheating yourself. Make your health a priority.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    You can do it. You'll have to choose your priorities--as we all do. I'm 61, and on MFP for 3 years. I've learned so much just following the people "in the know" on here. Do the same and you'll find your inspiration. Be consistant and never give up.
  • Bogglebo
    Bogglebo Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2016
    I have managed to cut my wine down significantly by making sure I work off the calories on the treadmill. Like you I don't really like too much exercise but find the treadmill watching the Ipad or listening to music (watching TV etc) certainly eases the pain :) I'm not so quick to pour the wine in when I'm committed to exercising those calories off - seems to work for me :)
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    The best way for you to lose weight is the same as for anybody else - a calorie deficit. I'm 67 and before I started CICO with MFP [last September] I was 45lbs overweight [at 5ft] and drinking a bottle of wine a night, just like you. I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. So far I have lost 34lbs by drastically cutting down on wine to1small glass twice a week and eating a balanced diet within my calorie goal. Moderation is the key to losing weight, age has nothing to do with it.

    I am only at the top end of my healthy weight range but feel and am SO much better without the blubber and booze. My blood pressure and cholesterol levels [and other bloods] are now NORMAL.

    As others have said, choose your priorities. Best of luck :)