Bulking and Shredding????

I am a person who have been active all of my life. I've played college ball, and I currently coach at the high school level. I've been dealing with some issues with my Achilles the past couple of years. Me being a stubborn athlete, I never got it checked out until recently. I spent 5 weeks in a boot, 4 weeks in a cast on my right Achilles, and now I have a cast on my Achilles for a total of 5 weeks. Since December I've been doing the blast and burn workout. I didn't take my diet serious back in December. I LOVE wine. I'm a teacher, and I coach, SOMETIMES THESE TEENAGERS DRIVE YOU TO DRINK. As of January, I've been tracking what I eat, and I have only drank once in about a month and a half. I've gained weight of course (I'm blaming it on the alcohol like Jamie Foxx says). However, I always go hard in the weight room. I feel like I am in my bulking stage. My arms are HUGE. I get my cast off in 2 weeks which is when I'll be done with the blast and burn. I'm not sure exactly what shredding consists of, but I definitely plan on getting in the pool every day for 30 minutes since I cant do any serious running for a while, and I would like to continue to lift. Any suggestions? I cant wait to get this cast off, I'm ready to get back in shape!


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I am a person who have been active all of my life. I've played college ball, and I currently coach at the high school level. I've been dealing with some issues with my Achilles the past couple of years. Me being a stubborn athlete, I never got it checked out until recently. I spent 5 weeks in a boot, 4 weeks in a cast on my right Achilles, and now I have a cast on my Achilles for a total of 5 weeks. Since December I've been doing the blast and burn workout. I didn't take my diet serious back in December. I LOVE wine. I'm a teacher, and I coach, SOMETIMES THESE TEENAGERS DRIVE YOU TO DRINK. As of January, I've been tracking what I eat, and I have only drank once in about a month and a half. I've gained weight of course (I'm blaming it on the alcohol like Jamie Foxx says). However, I always go hard in the weight room. I feel like I am in my bulking stage. My arms are HUGE. I get my cast off in 2 weeks which is when I'll be done with the blast and burn. I'm not sure exactly what shredding consists of, but I definitely plan on getting in the pool every day for 30 minutes since I cant do any serious running for a while, and I would like to continue to lift. Any suggestions? I cant wait to get this cast off, I'm ready to get back in shape!

    Haha! So true. Sorry to hear about your injury. It would be really hard to be in a cast and immobile for that long! Hope you heal quickly.

    The only thing I would suggest is when you get your cast off either request physical therapy for a while (if your insurance covers it) or ask to be referred to a sports-specific physical therapist. I'd seek professional advice as to what you can start doing and how much. Good luck!
  • dejawills15
    dejawills15 Posts: 9 Member
    I've already started therapy. I'm doing therapy on my right foot now. It's actually starting to feel better. Before I got the cast on my therapist told me it would be a while before I can do any running because we need to get it calmed down. My first cardio exercise will be in the pool for a while.