weight watchers

Hi. I am new at my fitness pal as I am transitioning from ww. I was given 1700 calories at myfitness pal but I am not sure how i can fit in my 42 smart point ( weeklys ). Can any of you explain to me how myfitness pal works in case I want to splurge on food once in a while? Also, can I use my fitbit calories? I am not saying I will use them all, but I just want to learn how it works compared to ww. Thank you so much!!!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Use your fitbit calories if you'd like. Forget about the weeklies. Be sure to count the calories for your fruits and veggies.
  • alizesmom
    alizesmom Posts: 219 Member
    I transitioned from WW to MFP not quite a year ago. What I did was double log for awhile until I get the feel for calories vs points. As as the splurge points are concerned, you can deduct any number of calories from your daily 1700 and save them for your splurge each week if the extra treat matters to you (say eat 1600 per day and have an extra 700 at the end of the week).
  • AmyWhitty
    AmyWhitty Posts: 20 Member
    I have just moved from ww. I am saving 200 a day in the week to use at the weekend
  • Mariluce
    Mariluce Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you to all of you.You all were a big help!
  • missyfitz1
    missyfitz1 Posts: 93 Member
    I've switched from WW in the last few months. I miss the weekly points, but I stick to my daily points and the consistency has actually been good for me - I think I needed that change. As far as my fitbit calories, I don't eat them all. I find it gives me more extra food than the WW activity points did. I eat some of them, but no more than half, and no more than 200 or so. So far it's been a great change for me!
  • kate0707
    kate0707 Posts: 13 Member
    How are you all finding the switch? I have done WW for years and am slightly scared to switch over but ww isn't doing anything for me!
  • Mariluce
    Mariluce Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you Missyfitz1!
  • Mariluce
    Mariluce Posts: 8 Member
    kate0707: I have been on myfitness pal for 2 weeks now and I lost 4.5 pounds. It never happen with ww before. I am not blaming ww but I think that for me myfitness pal makes me aware of what I am actually eating in terms of proteins, carbs, fat etc... After ww changed their plan, any little treat is so high in points... I am still trying to avoid anything that comes in a package. Try for 2 weeks ( double track in both places ) and see how you feel if you are afraid to switch over.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    I've had a lot of success with MFP after using WW. One thing I still do is "bank" calories for days I know I'll be eating more by saving some of that week's exercise calories for days I'm going to happy hour or eating out. (or eat a little less, say 100-150 cals, for few days before/after) You can look at the net calories and weekly calorie charts in MFP or calculate yourself to see how many calories you have left over.

    There are many threads asking about cheat meals and days, which for me do occasionally happen, but for the most part I can definitely make it fit when I look at my whole week as I did in WW.