Hello Everyone!!!! I'm New and I want to make friends!!!!

Hello everyone! My name is Idalia and I'm 20 years old. I'm soooo over weight right now (200lbs.) and it's crazy because this is the highest I've ever been; I used to be the skinny girl, but oh well. Anyways, I'm really nice and friendly and I like to be online a lot so that's why I thought joining MyFitnessPal might help me out with my diet/weight loss efforts.

I'm looking to make some friends on here to just talk to about anything and/or to share support with because I'm alone in this journey I'm calling life/diet world lol... well i'm not alone but it's just me and my boyfriend right now. I'm also not sure how this site will work or how it's worked for others so I'd like to talk about that and even exercise lol.

Contact me on AIM if you want. Screename: idaliabees
Thanks to anyone who replies or messages me!!!!

P.S. I'm really computer/internet savvy; I'm a work at home computer tech and freelance writer so if u need anything just message me. I can also help you out if you want to make money from home; it's no joke lol, I know that people don't really believe it's possible, but it is:)!


  • idaliabelaly
    Hello everyone! My name is Idalia and I'm 20 years old. I'm soooo over weight right now (200lbs.) and it's crazy because this is the highest I've ever been; I used to be the skinny girl, but oh well. Anyways, I'm really nice and friendly and I like to be online a lot so that's why I thought joining MyFitnessPal might help me out with my diet/weight loss efforts.

    I'm looking to make some friends on here to just talk to about anything and/or to share support with because I'm alone in this journey I'm calling life/diet world lol... well i'm not alone but it's just me and my boyfriend right now. I'm also not sure how this site will work or how it's worked for others so I'd like to talk about that and even exercise lol.

    Contact me on AIM if you want. Screename: idaliabees
    Thanks to anyone who replies or messages me!!!!

    P.S. I'm really computer/internet savvy; I'm a work at home computer tech and freelance writer so if u need anything just message me. I can also help you out if you want to make money from home; it's no joke lol, I know that people don't really believe it's possible, but it is:)!
  • jdeeble
    Hello Idalia!

    My name is Jana and this is my first time on this website as well. I am here doing reseaerch for school on free calorie counters on line. I am a nutrition/ dietetics major and may be able to halp you with any questions you might have in your weight loss journey. I just thought I would put that out there if you have any questions.

    Good Luck!

  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Welcome to the site
    I am sure you can do it. If you are motivated and watch what you eat you can do it. Of course excercise is important but I know I have been sick for a few weeks and have still lost weight mostly on diet. You can make it work for your needs is what I am finding out.

    I am a mother of 3 and work part-time as an instructional aide for kindergartners. I am not on alot but I do check my journal and email several times a day. I began on this journey again on Aug 20th at 280 lbs. I know very scary. I have never stuck through getting sick which for me I always seem to when I make a change with my eating darn it. Anyway today I weighed in at 255 and though I have a long way to go I think that tracking my eating and seeing the progress that I have made will make a world of difference.

    I hope that you have the success that I have and enjoy all of what you learned.

  • idaliabelaly
    Thank you for your replies Jana and Eve. I really appreciate hearing from other people on this site. I look forward to keeping up with this everyday, i'll have it open as one of my tabs all the time as I like to eat at random times and sometimes I forget that i've eaten something so that's going to make it easier for me. I know that diet is the main thing that we have to worry about and then combine that with exercise but I have to tell you guys that I don't eat a lot...and I don't eat a lot of fatty foods. My weakness is JUNK FOOD!!!! Yes, I can't stand to see potato chips or smell hot sauce anywhere because I'm a goner. Yup, I'm not going to fully let go of these though, I'm just going to eat them in smaller portions now and not as often. I'm also a salad freak and a soup freak ...and that's mostly what I eat everyday unless my boyfriend wants something and wants me to eat with him or he takes me out to eat. It's insane how I gained this much weight really but I think stress had a lot to do with it. I'm in a better situation now though so I hope it helps me out.

    Thanks girls! And good luck to you too Eve:)!
  • pamelawh
    pamelawh Posts: 162 Member

    the money you make from home, is it for computer tech?

    my email is getoutofdebt@msn.com