I'm just so disappointed in myself...

I wanted to lose weight for the summer, and summer is here, and I am bigger than EVER.
Last summer I was 160... and I wanted to lose weight then to get to 140.
Never happened.
Anyways, during the year, I gained 20 more pounds...I'm 182.
And now I have stretch marks thanks to that!
I don't even know what happened.
I eat the same all the time.
My diet is good on weekdays, and on weekends, I eat what I want.
This is my diet all the time, even when I was 160.
My body just decided to be mean.
Stretch marks + two piece = nono.
I really hate myself right now...
I need these nasty marks gone and to atleast go back to 160!
Now I have to lose 40 pounds for atleast next summer...


  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    Listen, i got a little carried away too, this is so easy to follow. if you are really determined to loose the weight, you will loose the weight. Eating healthy is fun you'll love this especially once you see the weight start to come off.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    same thing happened to me. and I mean the EXACT same.

    I have always been low 160's. this was fine with me, but always secretly wished for 145 or 150. I am 5'8". the first thing I did was go to the DR to see whats was up? I was shocked to see i gained almost 25 lbs in a year! I have my blood & thyroid tested and founf out that I have a hypothyroid. this means that my thyroid wasnt pumping out enough hormones to get my metabolism kicking.

    So, I started medication, which gave me an extra boost of evergy and am still working hard to get the weight off. I have also een trying to cut back on the Drinks, and naughty weekend food.

    Good Luck!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Why put it off till next summer so you can be disappointed again. Start now Work hard and you will be beyond what you wanted by summer. Make more aggressive goal. 40 lbs off by labor day.
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    I used to weigh 165 lbs. I was in good shape at that weight since I am 5'10". Over the last couple years I have shot all the way up to 261 lbs. I don't just have a few stretch marks, they literally go from one side of my stomach to the other, & from top to bottom. I know how u feel to be disgusted. But, you just gotta keep trying. I have ups & downs w/my weight, but I know I have to do this to feel better about myself. Hang in there & definatly don't give up.
  • shantisyndrome
    shantisyndrome Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks, guys.
    Oh, yeah. I'm 5'8.

    Well, I started a fitness journal that has my weight, height, measurements, and every two weeks, I am going to do a weigh in and check my measurements for a little progress. I am going to try and use this site more, and control myself on weekends. I'm in high school, and I am on the soccer team, so maybe that will help me. But I really can't stand these ugly stretch marks.
  • princesspurple
    You will not shrink overnight...but you will shrink:) Stick to it and stay strong and if you fall off the wagon one day, get right back on before you hit the sack, wake up to a new day and you will be successful:)