Mom. College student. Full time worker. STRESS

Here to find some new friends to go through this journey with! The title says it all. Trying to lose the rest of the baby weight and keep it off!


  • julesrules611
    julesrules611 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I am a student, worker, and a professional musician. I understand that stress is a huge deterrent to weight loss! But luckily there are so many people on MFP who support me and keep me grounded. I will add you!
  • mike23pizzo
    mike23pizzo Posts: 5 Member
    Do you stress eat? How old is your child? When my fiance's sister had her baby, she would actually do air squats while holding her child. Have you ever thought of looking up safe exercises you can do while perhaps feeding your child? Try to kill two birds with one stone?
  • morgants
    morgants Posts: 13 Member
    Once upon a time I was in the same boat except for the mom part! I am here to tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel with school. But most people can ALWAYS benefit from a friend who is working hard to eat right and exercise. You can never discount the worth of motivation from others!
  • juliallms
    juliallms Posts: 2 Member
    My son is 3 so that's out haha. I honestly didn't put on much weight but I still have a few lbs I'd like to shed. I tend to 'boredom' eat. I'm working on that. Thanks for all the support!
  • K10D2015
    K10D2015 Posts: 38 Member
    Right here with ya girl! I'm a single mom to a beautiful 3 year old, work 45 hours a week, school 2 nights a week, and my daughter plays tball 5 days a week.