Trying to look on the bright side.

This is for introducing so Hello! Currently I am overweight and determined to loose weight. I've always been a big girl, as a child I was cubby and towering over all the other kids. Player Basketball for 5 years, slimmed down for a bit and then when I quit my laying I just started to gain weight constantly.

Well now I am determined to get this extra weight off and just be healthy. I'm looking for friends here, someone who will push me and encourage me to keep going even when I'm doubting myself, but not to talk down to me like I'm worthless, I already do that to myself everyday, tho I try my hardest not to but I have Bipolar depression and Severe Social anxiety. Even writing this post right. Now my nerves are telling me to delete it but I'm going to fight them. And I know of I can find it in myself to post this, then I will be able to loose the weight I desperately need to/want to loose.


  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Welcome! MFP is an excellent resource to lose and maintain weight. You may find the brand of tough love offered on here intimidating, but it is usually well-intentioned. I believe in positive reinforcement, but I also encourage you to embrace change and to consider everyone's advice. Consideration doesn't mean you have to follow it!

    As for the mental issues, I understand. I've been clinically depressed since I was a child. Weight loss, better health and even happiness are attainable goals if you want them badly enough and have a plan to make them happen. Don't allow desperation to dictate your plan. This isn't a life-or-death situation, and your weight is not going to come off overnight. Every day you spend on this journey, though, is a day that you've spent making yourself a better and healthier person.

    Feel free to add me if you like. :)
  • FabianMommy
    FabianMommy Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Staci, I hear you, feel free to add me if you like, well done on not deleting and doing a great thing for yourself!
  • mike23pizzo
    mike23pizzo Posts: 5 Member
    It can be daunting at first, and a bit discouraging if you don't see results right away. But be in it for the long haul. Take a picture now (as much as you may not want to) because in 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year from now, you will want to look back and see how much progress you have made. Out will inspire you to keep going and also remind you of what you have overcome.
  • summers09jo
    summers09jo Posts: 83 Member
    Hi all :) tbh same here!! Determined to lose this weight now, it was always cos I was sick of looking like a lump and ashamed to take my coat off and hated the summer season :( but now it's health as well I've totally come to depend on painkillers every day for back pain and pretty sure my weight is playing a massive part of the pain I'm in so this time I have to lose weight!! Feel free to add me a friend could do with all the mates to help each other out
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome :) While I don't have social anxiety or depression, I was close to this at one point in my life and exercise especially weight-lifting helped me tremendously. Embracing my ability to gain muscle and not focusing on my body in terms of how skinny I looked or comparing myself to model-thin people also helped tremendously. I have a much healthier love for myself in result. I hope you can get similar results in your journey!
  • stacisayshello
    stacisayshello Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2016
    Thank you
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    People won't talk down to you here. They will challenge you.
  • stacisayshello
    stacisayshello Posts: 7 Member
    It can be daunting at first, and a bit discouraging if you don't see results right away. But be in it for the long haul. Take a picture now (as much as you may not want to) because in 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year from now, you will want to look back and see how much progress you have made. Out will inspire you to keep going and also remind you of what you have overcome.
    Very very true
  • stacisayshello
    stacisayshello Posts: 7 Member
    People won't talk down to you here. They will challenge you.
    And that's what I need. I'm not really afraid of people saying anything to me about me weight never really have....
    My social anxiety I feel mainly if because of how tall I am. As a child kids and people would make fun of me for my height since I was always taller than most people, in Kinder garden all the other kids in my class we much much shorter than me they all came up to my chest. So I'd get called Godzilla and things like that. There are other reasons for it I am sure but when k start to have an anxiety attack over something it tends to be my height more so than my weight