No upper body workouts

I've been battling elbow tendinitis for a few years now. It comes and goes, sometimes its manageable and sometimes it pretty damn painful. When it gets bad I go to the doctor for a steroid shot which helps temporarily. I've decided I am going to try some physical therapy and then surgery if that doesn't work. Since I want to actually take care of this once and for all, the doctor has recommended I stop lifting weights while undergoing therapy.

So that leaves lower body workouts and cardio only. Should I still do squats and other leg workouts along with a cardio routine or just do cardio only for the next 3-4 months while dealing with this?


  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    I've had 6 shoulder operation and 2 hand operations each requirimg 6-8 weeks of recovery. I was on the plate loaded or selector pin leg machines as soon as the doctor said I could which was usually about 10 days.

    Started fast walking day after surgery.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    If the doctor says no weights then - no weights.

    Lower body strength work may be possible, but I would avoid dumbbell squats and the like since lugging the weights about could cause you elbow problems.

    It's a misconception that weights and strength training are essential to weight loss. This type of training is recommended but by no means a show stopper.

    If cardio is possible I would consider replacing some of your planned cardio sessions with high impact interval training. This type of work out is shown to be much more muscle sparing that long steady state cardio sessions. Sprints are brilliant but you could use any exercise and there are loads of HIIT protocols to consider.

    Also, your physio may have some recommendations for some exercises specifically aimed at improving the tennis elbow.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Ypu do realize that nearly every leg exercise involves your elbows?

    Elbow tendinitis is no fun after ten years, trust me.