My goals

Hello there.

I am here for the second time, and I have (so far) lost 19lbs since early/mid January. I'm in it for the long haul, so I've decided to share some goals I have. In brackets are the weights or sizes (UK) I want to hit. I don't know whether I will hit these goals, but it's good to have some sort of motivation! :)
  1. Reach the weight I was at before I gave up last year (230lbs)
  2. Be the same weight as my dad (210lbs)
  3. Be the same weight as my sister (205lbs)
  4. Be the same weight as my mum (177lbs)
  5. Borrow something to wear from my elder sister (size 10/12)
  6. Be a size 14 for the first time in my adult life
  7. Lose 100lbs
  8. Reach my final goal weight (150lbs/10st 10lbs)
  9. Run/jog 5km

Feel free to join me and add your own goals to this thread, or add me as a friend and motivational partner. :) Thanks for reading and have a nice day.