Why am I scared of calories?!



  • janellsosajs
    janellsosajs Posts: 57 Member
    Eat every 2.5-3 hours (make your snacks anywhere between 100-200 calories) and include protein at every meal. Also eat an hour after you wake up, and at least an hour or two before bed, don't skip meals. This will keep you satisfied and keep your metabolism continously burning. Avoid a lot of processed foods eat whole grains, veggies, protein, nuts, and fruits. But I'm sure you already new all that ;)

    **Knew** sorry my bad :(
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    edited April 2016
    Eat every 2.5-3 hours (make your snacks anywhere between 100-200 calories) and include protein at every meal. Also eat an hour after you wake up, and at least an hour or two before bed, don't skip meals. This will keep you satisfied and keep your metabolism continously burning. Avoid a lot of processed foods eat whole grains, veggies, protein, nuts, and fruits. But I'm sure you already new all that ;)

    No. Meal timing/frequency is a preference thing and nothing more. Some prefer to eat frequent, smaller meals and others prefer to eat 2-3 larger meals a day with no snacking. What matters is that you're at an appropriate calorie deficit for your goals at the end of the day.

    OP-trust the system, it really does work. Weight loss is pretty straightforward: eat the foods that you like (no need to cut anything out) accurately track all your food intake, pay attention to portion sizes (use a food scale), and hit as close to the calorie goal that MFP sets for you. Going way under does you no favors and will lead to frustration and failure.

    You can do this :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    My resting metabolic rate is 1600 because of my activity level -.-

    Sweety, keep in mind your Basal Metabolic Rate is the calories your body burns at complete rest. No daily activity. This is just what your body currently uses to keep your body functioning. Activity level has no impact on this number.

    Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure is the number you want to eat under to lose weight and is what is impacted by your activity level. I ran your numbers through a few calculators for you:

    Sedentary with no exercise

    TDEE: 2160
    0.5 lb per week loss: 1910
    1 lb per week loss: 1660

    Desk job with little exercise

    TDEE: 2254
    0.5 lb per week loss: 2004
    1 lb per week loss: 1754

  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I'm 5'10, 19, about 225 pound and I've had a weight problem my entire life. But every time I try to lose weight I get obsessed with calories. Although on MFP I have my calories set at 1400 a day, I constantly find myself at every meal trying to cut calories. Some days I only eat like 600 calories. What are some ways I can overcome my anxiety about calories? I just want to be healthy.

    You are new to the forums. Please stay around and read a lot of the messages. You'll find various people confessing the harms they did to themselves with insufficient nutrition. When I was a youngster I read a lot of WWII history books. These modern calorie cutters remind me of Nazi-designated untermenchen in the concentration camps and Leningraders under seige. No sensible person in a mostly free society should choose to undergo such privations, agonies, and deaths. Yes, deaths. Death is the inevitable end of a successful severe long-term calorie restriction. Less than 1200 calories per day, for a woman, is a severe calorie restriction. Please don't turn yours into a successful long-term calorie restriction.