Mummy Tummy

chica1986 Posts: 7 Member
edited February 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hey peeps! I've got a 6month old baby girl & while I was pregnant I put on 3stone (42lbs) so I'm on a mission to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. By going to spin 3 times a week I've lost 2st 9lbs (37lbs) & have 5lbs left to lose to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight. However I have the infamous mummy tummy that needs to go & I know its going to take a lot to get rid of that jelly! Lol As they say "abs are made the kitchen & not the gym"
I have dabbled with the 5:2 diet but not sure it's for me, anyone else tried it????
Please add me so we can encourage each other through the weight loss journey :)


  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    edited February 2016
    Breastfeeding, healthfully reduced calories and exercise were what did it for me. Reverse sit ups will not burn the fat, but they will tone the lower abs which tend to be very jiggly after you have a baby.