


  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited February 2016
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    size102b wrote: »
    1) Eating junk to lose weight is hard 2)your hungry more often as sugar
    Yes don't exercise ??? 3) Exercise is important just walking extra is good 4) the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn plus 5) you look slimmer as muscle takes up less room to the same weight as fat
    So eat healthy 90% of the time & exercise is best having done this all ways I found I looked and felt better eating healthy and exercising than not.

    1) This is preference. I have oreos more days than not and I'm doing fine. Most people find that eliminating foods is harder to stick with than moderating them.

    2) Sugar doesn't make you hungry. Carbs aren't as satiating as fat or protein but sugar doesn't make you hungry.

    3) Exercise is important for health and will slightly increase calorie burn but is not vital to weight loss. Maintaining a calorie deficit by eating less than you burn is all there is to losing weight.

    4) Walking is not enough to add muscle mass, especially in a caloric deficit.

    5) You will only look slimmer if you also lose the fat, in which case you will look slimmer anyway because the fat is gone. Adding muscle can make you look more fit and toned if fat levels are low enough to be able to see the muscle.

    I said 90% eat healthy did not say 100%

    Sugar does make you hungry actually
    Salt makes you retain water especially women

    Been doing this long enough to know this having lost 71lbs in 11 months , I'm sure I'm not 100% wrong

    If you walk a lot of course you'll get a calorie deficit yes I added muscle to my legs and arms walking my dog 2 hours every day

    You will look a whole lot better if you exercise and feel better it's good for your body especially your heart !
    Don't tell people not to exercise you'll still lose weight that's not good.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    size102b wrote: »
    1) Eating junk to lose weight is hard 2)your hungry more often as sugar
    Yes don't exercise ??? 3) Exercise is important just walking extra is good 4) the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn plus 5) you look slimmer as muscle takes up less room to the same weight as fat
    So eat healthy 90% of the time & exercise is best having done this all ways I found I looked and felt better eating healthy and exercising than not.

    1) This is preference. I have oreos more days than not and I'm doing fine. Most people find that eliminating foods is harder to stick with than moderating them.

    2) Sugar doesn't make you hungry. Carbs aren't as satiating as fat or protein but sugar doesn't make you hungry.

    3) Exercise is important for health and will slightly increase calorie burn but is not vital to weight loss. Maintaining a calorie deficit by eating less than you burn is all there is to losing weight.

    4) Walking is not enough to add muscle mass, especially in a caloric deficit.

    5) You will only look slimmer if you also lose the fat, in which case you will look slimmer anyway because the fat is gone. Adding muscle can make you look more fit and toned if fat levels are low enough to be able to see the muscle.

    I said 90% eat healthy did not say 100%

    1) Sugar does make you hungry actually
    2) Salt makes you retain water especially women

    Been doing this long enough to know this having lost 71lbs in 11 months , I'm sure I'm not 100% wrong

    3) If you walk a lot of course you'll get a calorie deficit yes I added muscle to my legs and arms walking my dog 2 hours every day

    You will look a whole lot better if you exercise and feel better it's good for your body especially your heart !
    4) Don't tell people not to exercise you'll still lose weight that's not good.

    1) This is your claim. Burden of proof falls on you to prove it. I contest your assertion.

    2) What does retaining water have to do with anything?

    3) Even for those engaging in heavy lifting programs it is incredibly difficult (if possible) to build muscle while eating in a caloric deficit. Achieving noticeable muscle gains through low resistance, steady state cardio like walking isn't going to happen, not in a deficit.

    4) I certainly did not advise anyone not to exercise. In fact, I said that it's important for health.
    I just think it's important to keep diet and exercise in their proper contexts. Exercise may affect your "calories out" but weight loss comes down to getting you "calories in" below that number and that can be achieved with or without exercise.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    edited February 2016

    1.jpg 135.4K
    1.jpg 135.4K
  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member

    There it is! Nice! OP this is what I was talking about, read this.