PCOS but regular period

Ok I've read through alot of forums and it is plain to see everyone is different.... I'm blessed to have my son from a previous relationship but would like to have try for a baby with my Husband.... I have not been on the pill ever as we were happy either way.... I have regular periods and have only started noticing some unwanted hair on face but i do have the worst acne EVER more prone on my neck or back.
I know I'm blessed and the last Dr i seen wanted me to see someone new as he was flabbagastered that i have never had irregular periods and wants me to be sure that it can't be anything else(Dr appointment tomorrow)
I have never been prescribed any medication and by reading posts and experience find these drs in Australia useless!!
I want a straight answer.... I am also just starting to budge this weight and I've seen in others posts people saying don't blame your PCOS for your weight gain well i don't it is wholly my *kitten* eating but really it takes us with PCOS twice as much to lose that weight so give them a break!


  • safeelone
    safeelone Posts: 56 Member
    Take everything you read online with a grain of salt. People shouldn't be giving medical advice on forums. Thats what doctors are for. Sometimes it's difficult to reach a conclusive diagnosis. But PCOS can absoultely make losing weight more difficult. However it seems that you are on the right track. Keep at it! Hopefully you get answers soon.

    All the best