Lessons I've learnt...

Hello, my first post! I just wanted to say that MFP has changed and continues to change my life. I've been tracking my food and calories for a couple of years and have lost 10.5 STONE. I look and feel completely different to my larger days. I've got a couple more stone to loose before I'll be happy but i thought I'd share a few thoughts I've learnt along the way.
1. Motivation is everything - i think you've got to hit rock bottom and really want to change before it can happen - regardless what app, gym or tools you us. Until i hit mine, i would yoyo different diets.
2. Surround yourself with good 'safe' food and people and distance yourself from weaknesses and bad influences. Chocolate was one of my weaknesses - but I've learnt to eat less with higher grade dark/milk chocolate. I also get small 'bite sized' and not big bars though - as the tendancy is always there to finish the bar once it's open.
3. If you're not loosing weight and tracking as per app suggests - I've found that i should be eating about 200cals less than what the app thinks to loose a few pounds per week. Remember not all bodies are the same and be aware if you're doing everything right and still not loosing weight, your metabolism might be processing food/weight slower
4. Listen to your body - your cravings might not be food cravings - try drinking first.
5. Keep healthy snacks and bitesized treats for when you really get the urge for badness!
6. Read! I found lots of good tips in weight management books, and lots of interesting info about different food types and there effect on your body.
7. Find exercise that doesn't feel like exercise. Walking with headphones on is great and i enjoyed raquet sports - working out stealthly!
8. Learn to eat slower and enjoy your food. I've learnt that it takes time to tell me that I'm full but if i eat slower and drink with meals then i now eat a lot less and still feel full.
9. Be aware of drama, bad days, breakups etc can all trigger binge days. But overtime you'll use all the techniques you've learnt not to slip.

I recently broke up with my girlfriend and thought i would go off the rails, but i found suprisingly i was now much stronger and positive than a few years ago and have kept focused and loosing weight!

Just a few things i thought I'd share. Good luck on your journey x


  • Cindy01Louisiana
    Cindy01Louisiana Posts: 302 Member
    That is all very helpful-thank you for sharing!
  • vkmango4
    vkmango4 Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks for these helpful tips. Good luck and stay positive!
  • summers09jo
    summers09jo Posts: 83 Member
    Hi funky thanks for that advise and your tips very useful and good to know, glad you became stronger with your realationship breakdown such a sad Time and you came out of it better :) I'm having one of them days now when I coils just binge on junk and all the chocolate in the world lol but reading that has helped me thank you very much staying focused now :)
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Apparently NOT how to spell. It's LEARNED -
    sorry, it's just one of my pet peeves
  • samjoy
    samjoy Posts: 119 Member
    kgb6days wrote: »
    Apparently NOT how to spell. It's LEARNED -
    sorry, it's just one of my pet peeves

    This is one of my pet peeves as well. Learnt is the common way to spell it in the rest of the world except North America!
  • luizaxxi
    luizaxxi Posts: 59 Member
    So far I learned is 98% mind control
  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    My stealth excersise is roller skating. I can skate for 4 hours, burn tons of calories and its soooo much fun. Feel like a kid again!!!
  • funkyape
    funkyape Posts: 4 Member
    luizaxxi wrote: »
    So far I learned is 98% mind control

    It's all about mind control. I found mindfullness and reading books to learn techniques to stop cravings helped alot
  • funkyape
    funkyape Posts: 4 Member
    kgb6days wrote: »
    Apparently NOT how to spell. It's LEARNED -
    sorry, it's just one of my pet peeves

    NO You're wrong - in the UK that's how we say it!
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Thank you for posting. #2 and #5 were my eye openers.

    I realized how much more quantity of "healthy" food I can eat compared to the same calorie intake of processed junk food. (which I still enjoy eating but not for every meal) :)
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    nice list!
  • tomatosoup3
    tomatosoup3 Posts: 126 Member
    kgb6days wrote: »
    Apparently NOT how to spell. It's LEARNED -
    sorry, it's just one of my pet peeves

    you should pick a different pet peeve- "learnt" is the UK spelling.
    "loosing weight," however, is a different story...
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I see that there is a hilarious disconnect between the innovators of English (the Americans) and its standard bearers (the British).
  • FabianMommy
    FabianMommy Posts: 78 Member
    edited February 2016
    kgb6days wrote: »
    Apparently NOT how to spell. It's LEARNED -
    sorry, it's just one of my pet peeves

    you should pick a different pet peeve- "learnt" is the UK spelling.
    "loosing weight," however, is a different story...

    Another Brit here who says ' learnt.'

    That's a great list Funky, very helpful, thank you for sharing it and many congratulations on your success!
  • GoJohnGo71
    GoJohnGo71 Posts: 439 Member
    Good stuff.
  • tifftaffy
    tifftaffy Posts: 141 Member
    edited February 2016
    Congrats to the OP, great job!

    Americans pointing out grammatical and supposed spelling errors is just another thing that makes me ashamed to be an American. Trust me, we're not all like that. There are those of us who are completely polite and civil human beings who aren't full of themselves :)

    So as to not derail the thread, I really like your suggestions 2 and 9.

    It's hard to do, but when you find the friends around you not being supportive, it's better to just limit your time with them and surround yourself with people that encourage your healthy eating/fitness lifestyle. I'm lucky that my co-workers and I have started focusing on better eating and fitness related activities, and we're able to talk about it together at breaks. I think it will help us all reach our goals and make it a routine and lifestyle and not a "diet".
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited February 2016
    tifftaffy wrote: »
    Congrats to the OP, great job!

    Americans pointing out grammatical and supposed spelling errors is just another thing that makes me ashamed to be an American. Trust me, we're not all like that. There are those of us who are completely polite and civil human beings who aren't full of themselves :)

    Agreed. And have some knowledge of other acceptable spellings outside of the US.
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