Adding exercise

I can log my RPM class but when i add my 2nd class for day ( i do double classes some days) it won't add the pump first it appears to add but then as soon as i scroll or do something else the 2nd clasd disappears...anyone know why


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Do you mean from your feed? MFP lumps all activities into a single entry, so when you log your first workout you'll see it in your feed. When you log your second workout, the feed entry from teh first will change to something like cardio exercises, rather than the actual activity name, and the minutes and cals will accrue.
  • shazzandy
    shazzandy Posts: 3 Member
    The calories are then when first logged in diary but then they go away again and there is only the calories from the first class...sorry i am new to MFP so still learning things