should i eat more calories???

i've had MFP set at 1300.. for the last 2 weeks.. as i believed that i would lose weight as a by product of my eating healthier, and watching my calories, sometimes i'm over, some times i'm under.
i've read to maintain weight loss women should be eatting 2000 calories a day.. am i starving myself? (i calculated mine at 1667 .. as my basal metabolic rate.. (on freedetingdotcom))
i dont get hungry generally, and have been eating oats with skim milk for brekkie, breakfast is new to me as of two weeks ago. i drink water mostly, and have cut all/ most animal fats from my diet as i want to avoid saturated fats... and with this i am doing great.
i also know i need to begin some sort of excersise as well.
so...what number is your calories set at?


  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    prior to two weeks ago, i was eating alot of takeaway, fried foods, full cream milk, butter the normal stuff... but since then i have been very carefull of what i eat. now, i dont eat/ add butter to anything, i havent had any takeaway, loads of vegies, lean meat, like chicken breast, and salmon(i love salmon), tuna, avocardo, changed to wholemeal bread(when i eat it), changed to skim milk, and yoghurt with very low saturated fats.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Why so restrictive?

    If your BMR is 1600+, you should be eating at or above 1600+. Try here:

    Ask yourself what will be sustainable for you overall. Will you never eat butter, full fat dairy/cream, animal fats, etc ever again? Or are you making those changes permanent? Either way is commendable. I personally choose to eat anything [within reason] as long as it fits my calorie limits. I do try to get in good stuff though. :)

    Good luck to you.
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    .. its a limiting thing at the moment, who knows maybe permanate... ..
    two weeks ago.. i found out i have high cholesterol.. something i havent shared with many people... i have 3 months to get it down, i'm on week 3!..i'm 30 years old, and though i didnt eat that badly, i didnt eat that good either...
    thanks for the link i'll have a look..
    the 1300, was set from ages ago when i used to come on here.. so i would loss a kg a week.
    i am far more determined to eat better then ever before as its my health thats at risk, .. my father is on medication for cholesterol.. it my be genetic, i need to find this out..
    i just would have expected more for all my changes then i have..
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you need to give it longer than 2 weeks.

    do you weigh and measure everything you eat? what exercise do you do?
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    measure, yes... weigh no.. my scales are broken, but i guess pretty alright..
    the changes were pretty drastic, i expected a drop atleast of a kg or something,
    also MFP is being difficult with changing my calorie goals.. :/
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    no excerise yet... but will be starting that soon :/