Weight not budging!

I dont think there is any advice people can give because I guess it depends on the individual...but my weight has stopped falling! I've been stuck at the same weight for two weeks!

It's not lack of exercise because I've been out hiking a lot.

So I dont know if it's that i'm not eating enough (still at default 1200), or I AM eating enough but not the right things?! For example granola bar/cookie/pizza/cake that STILL fits into my calorie allowance but is just the wrong thing to eat??

I guess the only thing I can do is via process of elimination and maybe have a week of eating healthy low fat foods and see if i lose weight again!

If it's not exercise then it can ONLY be what I am (or not) eating!


  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Try drinking more cold water, and most importantly, stick at it! :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Cez, sure you only posted a loss on Saturday? just stick with it and yes, drink more water or green tea, thats supposed to help as well :)

    and we all know that keeping under allowance is key but the types of food we eat can factor in, so limit the fast food to even once a week? the other days if you eat well you should notice a difference :) You could also try and lower the carbs, that works for a lot of people, I know I find carbs a problem in general to cut back on but just dropping an extra slice of bread or a potato from your day could make all the difference.

    Just keep at it, it WILL come off I promise, it just takes patience ok

    try UPPING your cals by 100/ 200 to see if that works, it worked for me when I was on a plateau.

    Ruth xo
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    First of all, no loss in 2 weeks is not necessarily a problem. Weight loss isn't linear, and a couple of weeks is too soon to worry that you've stopped losing. When I was losing weight, I would have what appeared to be small stalls, followed by a sudden drop. Your "weight" includes all your lean mass too, and fluctuations in water weight can mask fat loss. Are you taking measurements as well? That can help show progress when weight has stalled.

    Secondly, it may be that 1200 calories is too low. Are you eating exercise calories back? If you are following MFP as it is designed to work, you should be eating (at least a portion of) exercise calories back. It would not be recommending 1200 calories for someone who is active. How much have you told MFP you want to lose a week? From your ticker, it looks like you don't have a huge amount to lose, so a reasonable rate of loss would be 0.5 lbs a week. The less fat you have stored, the slower you can lose it.

    There aren't "wrong" things to eat (for weight loss purposes) unless you have a particular intolerance or medical condition, and you certainly don't have to eat low fat to lose weight. Your body needs fat. I would look further at calorie intake - make sure you're weighing/measuring/tracking all your food accurately, and then consider recalculating how many calories you need.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    do you eat 1200 net?
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    I just watched a video on Teambeachbody.com. They spoke about when a person loses weight, they need to adjust their calorie intake. As your body fluctuates in weight, so needs your diet. Hope this is something useful to explore more. Sorry, I don't know much about it, but I thought it was interesting.:smile:
  • halfpint002
    Hey hun i was the same so i did the TDEE thing, and took 20% away and found that i was eating too few calories and since ive upped them to 1523 im actually loosing again :):):) the only thing i dont do is eat back exercise calories x
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Arnold Schwarzenegger said if you feel like your body has stopped changing you need to shock it..
    What you maybe need to do is eat a little more and also change up your exercise completely. I know that
    is hard and scary but get out of any comfort zone you are in. If you do not like to do a certain exercise do it for a couple
    of weeks. I hate to run but during a contest I ran and got results.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hey hun i was the same so i did the TDEE thing, and took 20% away and found that i was eating too few calories and since ive upped them to 1523 im actually loosing again :):):) the only thing i dont do is eat back exercise calories x

    unless you are absolutely tiny, you werent using TDEE, you were using BMR -20%