Should I lift today? Possible sprain?


I am a rookie at weight lifting. I hired a trainer around 3 weeks ago, and this past Tuesday, we did a very intense session of leg presses, the outer thighs, and inner thighs. My legs were wobbly and hurting by the end of the session, and I was in a lot of rxpected discomfort for 2 days. 96 hours later though, my inner thighs are still yelping to the point that they wake me up at night. Today, I am scheduled to do legs with the trainer again. Should I tough it out or am I potentially risking injury?


  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Doesn't sound like a sprain to me - I think it's DOMS.

    go to the gym but tell your trainer how you are feeling and she/he will probably recommend training upper body and give you some light mobility work to help with the DOMS.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    If this was the first time you have use your inner thigh muscles they may hurt a bit longer in general.

    But to add that a serious case of DOMS past 72 hours is really not normal so if you have been able to recover from the leg workout and it is now in the inner thigh area on both legs they are still recovering.

    Have you tried to walk some, do any mild stretching after a short walk when your muscles are warm, or even try for example a body squat or body sumo squat, etc.. and if so, range of motion and rating of your muscles pain from 1 - 10?

    Some people may tell you to do the workout today, but if you have a rating of 8 - 10 in the inner thighs I would wait a day as the trauma is still healing and do NOT want an injury.