Not that new to MFP, but new to the community

I've been using MFP for several months now, was using the Fitbit app before that to track calorie burn and intake.

I've not posted on the forums. Mostly I've lurked. Sometimes I feel like contributing but just don't.

Many of you have great inspiring stories and offer wonderful insights, encouragement, and suggestions to those looking for help. Some of you are just mean a-holes. I guess it takes all types.

My "Stats"

In March or April of 2015 I decided to loose 10 pounds before a DisneyWorld trip in July. I weighed 274 in May. The day we left for the trip I weighed 245. I put 5 lbs back on during the trip. Since then I have increased my exercise considerably. This morning weighed in at 216.

My Routine. I have a food addiction (maybe even a real one). I'm also a very picky eater. I decided that I would approach weight lose as a simple math problem. I'd burn more calories than I eat. Because I love a good cheese burger I have to burn a lot of calories. I started out in March or April running about 3 miles every morning. I'm currently running 10 miles five days a week and at least 3-5 (sometimes 10) two days. It seems to be working pretty well. I feel great, most of the time. My toes are pretty wretched, but the rest of me is in better shape than i've been in since high school in the mid 90s.

My Goal: Obviously feeling better is great. But it is pretty abstract and doesn't help me get out of bed at 3AM. So my current weight goal is 185. For my height that would finally put me in the "normal" range with regard to BMI, which i pretty much reject as mostly absurd. But absurd or not, it is something to shoot for. My much more abstract goal is to survive long enough and in decent shape to watch my girls (4 and 6) grow up. But since survival is pretty much a binary state it is hard to measure. Additionally, the possibility of my wife finding me more attractive has gotten me through a few hundred miles at least. That is goal that usually helps get my feet on the floor in the morning.

Anyway, that is my long way of saying. Hi!
