Thank you MFP

I have downloaded this app numerous times. I never stuck to it. Until this past week. All together I have lost 14 pounds. That's way more then I have ever lost in my entire life. Its astounding how much motivated I am now. And its really because of MFP. Reading things from the community and learning new things I didn't know. Following people that inspire me constantly. Thank you all! I'd love to follow even more people!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Its life changing, isnt it?! I too feel very lucky to have found this resource, which is working so well for me. Cheers to MFP and all the wonderful posters who take time out of their day to provide motivation and information to people!!