Meal plans

Ive done really well with losing weight through exercise but now im really wanting to tone up so im thinking ill have to change most of my diet. Im not silly i know the basics of good food and bad food but i was wondering if anyone can suggest anywhere i can find good meal plans i really wana work on getting a flat stomach lol any help is appreciated


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    First you need to get rid of the idea of good food vs bad food - all foods can be eaten in the appropriate amounts.

    If you are able to get a flat stomach - everybody aren't (not before they are underweight) - you have to get your fat% down and maybe strengthen your core muscles. There is no specific diet to target specific areas. You need a calorie deficit.

    You may want to just restructure your current diet. Replacing everything is unlikely to be necessary, and will be difficult both to implement and stick to.

    There is no need to look for a meal plan, you make it yourself based on your needs and preferences. Use the basics you already know: Fruit and vegetables are good for you. Get enough protein and fat. Don't drink your calories. Don't eat mindlessly. Aim for variety. Don't cut out any food groups, and balance your meals between protein - fat - carbs. Don't shop on an empty stomach, and bring your own lunch. Cook your own dinners. Sit down and enjoy your food.