Let's stay accountable and Conquer our goals together!!

Hey everyone, I'm not necessarily new to My Fitness Pal, but it's the first time I have really tried to be engaged. I started it a couple a months ago, maybe around October or November of 2015, but just haven't been into it. I got tired of putting it off and not holding myself accountable, so on Feb 1st I decided to document my Fat to Fit journey. So I started a Youtube channel to keep myself accountable and to hopefully gain subscribers that want to join me in my journey with a journey of their own. About 10 years ago I was in the best shape of my life probably. I was around 190-195lbs and 8% body fat. I was in a bad relationship that turned into a 9 year marriage, then in Jan of 2015 we got a divorce. But when we started dating I was confident in myself and where my life looked to be heading, but it quickly turned. I went from 190-195 to 243lbs and depressed and hated life. I tried to get it back during the marriage, but could never get back below 225-230. I was just being tore down and really couldn't take it anymore. Anyway, after the divorce I secluded myself to try and find the old me within myself. To see if the old me was still there. He Was! I started working out again and loving the process. I also reconnected with a beautiful woman that I have known since we were in grade school together. Come to find out that we both had a crush on each other and never did anything about it. She is so upbeat and encouraging, that my life seems to be on a upward incline. She make me feel that anything is possible. She is the one that put it in my mind to record my journey and start a Youtube channel to possibly help encourage others because there are plenty of people out there that are or were in the same situation or maybe worse.
Well, I hope everyone has a great day and Conquers their workout and daily diet plan. I hope we can all encourage each other and stay connected and accountable to each other. Please follow my journey on Youtube. You can search nelson mays. I only have 6 videos up as of right now. I will be uploading another one on Sunday, so stay tuned and let's hit our goals!!! Good Luck everyone!! Add me and keep in touch.
