Some days I don't like my MS other days I hate it.

I was once a fairly fit man, I got my Dx and lost my way. Sure was easy to gain 110 lbs. not so much dropping it. I am happy to know that as of today I have lost 40 pounds since Oct. 21. I weighed in at my heaviest back then, 311 pounds. I am heading down to 225, but my MS messes with my motivation some days. My low-mo days are the days I hate MS. To day was a low-mo day and then the Tar Heels lost. I'm really unmotivated now. Didn't even do my normal walk today. Guess I'll dbl up tomorrow.


  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    I can't imagine what living with MS is like... you are stronger than you give yourself credit for as losing 40 lbs in just 4 months with an unpredictable illness is quite an accomplishment. Focus on what you can do when you can do it. It's already gotten you down to 225... who is to say how far you can go?

    Go Heels. I'll root for them when they play Dook. :smile: