Starting my journey TODAY! Goal is to lose 100 lbs!

It's basically all in the title.
Add me & let's motivate each other! ♥


  • coachfeliciad
    coachfeliciad Posts: 54 Member
    Congrats on making the choice to do this!! One pound at a time, one day at a time <3
  • milkyudders
    milkyudders Posts: 24 Member
    You can definitely do it!! I lost 99.5 pounds in 10 months using MFP (20-30 pounds away from my goal)... I got into a relationship about a year ago and gained 25-30 pounds back... So now I have 50-60 to lose to get to my goal... Just stay focused and follow MFP to a T. Only weigh in once a week, don't obsess, drink water 97% of the time, go for walks/hikes, give yourself a cheat day once a month, and remember to believe in yourself even on those bad days/weeks... You got this!!!
  • mel35645
    mel35645 Posts: 267 Member
    You've come to the right place, everyone here is so supportive!! You can do it!!
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    Thank you everyone! I'm excited to start this journey! :smile:
  • iamjackrabbit
    iamjackrabbit Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same goal! We should totally be motivational buddies! :)
  • feebeesays
    feebeesays Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Feel free to add me everyone!
  • jennkaufer89
    jennkaufer89 Posts: 69 Member
    Girl you've got this! :)
  • angfirst
    angfirst Posts: 47 Member
    Good luck!

    I started a few months ago, and am down just shy of 50 pounds. Now, I only have about 90 pounds to go!

    Add me if you'd like!
  • secretgirl29
    secretgirl29 Posts: 19 Member
    Yay!! Congrats on starting your journey :) . Please feel free to add me too!! I've lost 170 lbs over 5 years and I am still working on it.
  • vdesignservice
    vdesignservice Posts: 2 Member
    Keep up the good work u can add me as well. I am loving this weight loss journey. I took me years to realize you can't take on this huge task of good health by yourself. You have to have daily encouragement. I'm down 14 pounds total. I believe this app will help me lose more. I just got a Fitbit and I love it
  • Lab2008
    Lab2008 Posts: 4 Member
    How is it going?
  • bananatee
    bananatee Posts: 1 Member
    Still trying to figure how to count calories
  • blessedmoore714
    blessedmoore714 Posts: 13 Member
    Add me too - you can never have enough motivational, supportive "weight loss - healthy living" friends!!
  • offtoseemickey
    offtoseemickey Posts: 5 Member
    Just added you - I'm 28, from London and have over 100lbs to lose. Let's hope we can stay on the path and DO THIS!!
  • dhbpayton
    dhbpayton Posts: 3 Member
    add me too. I have over a 100 I want to lose too!