Christian older woman

I just a few days ago got a Garmin Vivofit and I am just starting with MyFitnessPal. I and 60 and around 100 poujnds overweight but have been gradually making healthy changes. I would love a buddy or more on this so we can encourage each other.
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:22


  • plantilar
    plantilar Posts: 28 Member
    Add Plantilar(Toniarie) 43 mum to 4(19/17/14+4) all boys..I live my life for the Lord and am training for pioneering ministry bringing people to Christ through sport..but i do have a thorn in my side ..bad food seasons xx
  • plantilar
    plantilar Posts: 28 Member
    Toni sorry i typed on phone with no glasses on