4st down 1.7 to go! Help me!!!

I have slowly lost 4 stone taking me to 14st but I have stopped losing anything now. Do high intensity workout 4 times a week, trying diets like Scottish slimmers etc but nothing seems to work. Anyone got any ideas to kick start this? Ideally looking for a weight shredder diet as need to lost before my op in May........


  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    Jade I lost 11½st to have my open heart surgery and I did it in 15 months. I've since lost another 2 stone, all I ever did was stick to 1200 calories per day and swim 4-5 times per week and the weight flew off. Hope all goes fantastic for you :-) PicsArt_01-23-05.05.36_zpshu1xfrnl.jpg