
So for the most part, I eat well. I eat what I want with moderation. But yesterday was a train wreck. My breakfast started off good and then it was downhill once I got to work when there was free fast food and desserts all day. I even brought my own healthy lunch and still caved in. I even continued the awful eating when I got home because I already "ruined" it. Now waking up today I feel discouraged and not to mention bloated and fat.


  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    It's just one day. Accept it and carry on.
  • hockeysniper8
    hockeysniper8 Posts: 253 Member
    Its a long journey, depending on your goals. Don't let one bad day get ya down!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Yesterday means very little. It's also very little you can do about yesterday. Today and tomorrow and all the days after that... means a lot. And you are the one that decides what to do with those days :)
  • Jesi1011
    Jesi1011 Posts: 200 Member
    Everyone has those days! I load up on water the next day!
  • endlesspower
    endlesspower Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, yesterday was just like that for me too. And today I felt like crap. I still do a little bit but I didn't binge today so it's something to be proud of. Our goals are hard to reach and a healthy fit life is hard to mantain but if we don't punish ourselves because we ate a piece of cake and if we don't think that we are back to square one just because we ate something unhealthy, if we just appreciate our sacrifices and progress our success will come sooner
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    I think the reason you're discouraged is because you still expect that now that you're "dieting", every day will be perfect and that you'll do awesome all the time. Honestly, I know because the 1st time I was on mfp I was like that and I have just one thing to say to you: Stop. Stop thinking like that. It causes more harm than good, and it brings you down. it's ONE day. it's basically nothing. Some days we do great and we're killing it and some days, we're just humans and we get weak, and that's okay. You feel bloated, that's understandable, then eat better today, drink plenty of water and exercise, and you'll feel loads better tomorrow morning. Stop wanting to be perfect, and accept that there will always be days like that, but as long as it's not too often, you'll be just fine!
  • steveo49359
    steveo49359 Posts: 1 Member
    First post...ever. No laughing. I DO know how to turn on a computer however just created a fitnesspal account so I'm gonna try this day by day. As for HealthyGinny's comments....she is bang on. Good luck! As for me, my achilles heel is belgian beer which is basically liquid carbs...Ugh.
  • RosemaryBronte
    RosemaryBronte Posts: 103 Member
    When I see junk food on our table at work, i take photos of it and then privately text my daughter saying 'This is what I'm not eating today.' She texts back 'You're a legend Mum.' I have a year of photos of junk food from work and it looks so gluggy and yuk. I privately play a game called Dodge the Fat Splat. I lost 7 kilos that way last year. At Easter I plan to avoid the Easter Bunny's Fat Splats by eating egg shaped fruit instead. That way I can avoid the 2 kilos the bunny usually brings me. And for the first time in my life I didn't put on 3 kilos in the lead up to last Christmas so that was a great Christmas present. You will LOVE the good feeling of skipping those junk fests once you get used to it. Get in touch with your inner rebel and quietly fight off that gluggy clingy stodgy fat and that sickly sweet sugar. Teach yourself to notice the subtler more interesting and more sophisticated flavours of healthy food. There's a lot of pleasure ahead of you.
  • ironhajee
    ironhajee Posts: 384 Member
    Aww chin up OP :) Do not be discourage but instead work harder toward your goals so that you can enjoy some days when there is a free food.

    Try out some cycling on the cardio bike. In 1 hour you can burn anywhere from 500 - 1000 calories relative to the intensity you put up.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I think the reason you're discouraged is because you still expect that now that you're "dieting", every day will be perfect and that you'll do awesome all the time. Honestly, I know because the 1st time I was on mfp I was like that and I have just one thing to say to you: Stop. Stop thinking like that. It causes more harm than good, and it brings you down. it's ONE day. it's basically nothing. Some days we do great and we're killing it and some days, we're just humans and we get weak, and that's okay. You feel bloated, that's understandable, then eat better today, drink plenty of water and exercise, and you'll feel loads better tomorrow morning. Stop wanting to be perfect, and accept that there will always be days like that, but as long as it's not too often, you'll be just fine!


    The important thing to realize is that to lose the weight and keep it off, you're not "on a diet"; diets don't work. Only long term changes in eating habits and behaviors do. You need to find a plan that works for you that you could conceivably do for the rest of your life. Are you going to go your whole life never eating fast food or desserts again? Very unlikely. One day isn't going to set you back. Learn to forgive yourself, learn from it, and move on. Most importantly, don't let it be the reason you give up. No one is perfect..we just do the best we can. :smile:
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Hey yesterday I ate a Big Mac, large fries and a caramel frappe. Then I ate an ice cream sandwich and several lemon sandwich cookies for dinner. Can't fix it, can only go forward. Today I stayed within my calorie goal and had a 90 minute bike ride. As long as my Big Mac days are very few and far between I figure I'm doing well- and I have for the most part. Down to those last 5 pesky pounds- 53 gone. You will get there. Make most days good and if you slip up every now and again it's okay- move on.
  • sewicanquilt
    sewicanquilt Posts: 16 Member
    I have been big all my life -- sometimes I'd lose a little, but it always seems to come back. When I feel like a failure or get discouraged I remember a quote from Thomas Edision about building the light bulb, "I didn't failure I just learned 10,000 ways not to build it." That quote for me really sums it up. I didn't get to be overweight in one day -- it was a journey of 50 years (18,250 days). Daily, I learn about making better or different choices. Some work, some don't. It's not a failure, it is simply a way for me that didn't work. I am 20 days into this new way and have lost 8 lbs. If I can find ways that work for me, you CAN do this too.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Have you ever seen a baby just quit trying to walk the first time it tried and fell down?

    Did Seabiscuits trainer write off a beat up crooked legged old loser of a race horse because it was beat up a little?

    Do you know how many times a scientist fails before he/she makes an important discovery that has a significant impact on medicine, technology etc?

    Does it make any real sense to throw away a whole day just because you had a little more than you planned in the middle when you have the whole rest of the day to do things to offset it?

    Mary Heiny sensei, a wonderful woman who teaches the martial art Aikido, once said to me. "Never say that was bad or that was good. Say I enjoyed that or, that wasn't quite how I expected it to go. Then learn from it and try again."

    You are learning a new skill. Eating properly. So of course you are going to have moments, hours or days or even months that don't go quite right. Learn from them and keep going.

    If you don't fail you are not learning and you are not growing.

  • Onamissionforfit
    Onamissionforfit Posts: 90 Member
    You are allowed a cheat day. Keep most days good and treat yourself every now and then it's ok.
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    Healthy eating is something you'll be doing for the rest of your life, one day is no big deal. This is a great opportunity to work on your ability to self-motivate.
  • lisa0527
    lisa0527 Posts: 49 Member
    I feel your pain. Work treats can be very tricky to resist. I mean...there they are. Right in front of you. If I know there's going to be work treats I make sure I eat a bigger breakfast with extra fat and protein. Then I'm not hungry, and I'm less tempted. Trying to resist treats when I'm hungry is pretty much impossible. I just spend the day alternately hungry, bloated and guilty. Worst of all possible worlds.

    Just remember, if you fall off the wagon, guilt and beating yourself up is unlikely to help. In fact it's never helped anyone. If it worked we'd all be at our goal weight, because, let's be honest, who hasn't tried guilt and berating ourselves for our lack of "willpower"? Just move on and stick with the plan. Don't restrict the next day to compensate for the extra junk food you ate. Or you'll end up hungry, and it'll be much harder to stick with your plan. Reinforce for yourself that your meal plan is the consistent new normal. Not a "diet". I'm not a big believer in willpower or motivation (we're all motivated to lose weight). But I'm a huge believer in using effective tools, techniques and strategies. Stick with those and don't let one day of over eating throw you off track or back into a binge-restrict-binge pattern. Play the long game.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    It is one day at a time. So, you blew it yesterday. That was yesterday. It is only a problem if you let it become one today, and tomorrow, etc. Today is a new day. Just start fresh. Don't try to over diet or over exercise because of guilt from yesterday...to make up for yesterday. Yesterday is in the past and gone. Today is a new day! Everyone has those "oops...crap" days.
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    Someone had a great quote on here once "if you get a flat tire, do you get out of the car and slash the other 3? No? So why treat your body like that?"

    Keep on truckin'