Perfect Solution (or @ least a happy med.) for "Fat" Clothes

(FYI: With little variation, this post is very similar to the "I think I'm gonna do it..." topic thread in the Success Stories message-board section -- link: Posted in both places because of feeling they're applicable to both categories (success and motivation/support), but of course tailored some of the text to more closely align with each respective message-board section/category.)

So, I've been trying to figure out what exactly to do with my "fat" clothes. On one hand, I've wanted to hold on to some 'em for comparison and more reflective "after" pics once as I make more strides and eventually arrive at my ultimate goal weight. But the on the other hand, of course I know I will need and I would like to do some shopping for smaller-sized clothes along the way, free up hopefully a lot of space in my closet, and -- most importantly -- not have so many of my "fat" clothes just ready and waiting there for me to slip up and need to ease back into 'em.


So, although I think it's awesome to fully donate clothes to Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and so forth, I had an epiphany the other day that I feel will be best for what I have in mind but wanting to keep some of those clothes but not keep those clothes. My mom is a bit bigger in weight than I was when I was my heaviest, and so pretty much every time we visit, she's always trying to steal my clothes :) And so I'm thinking...that with us living around 3-1/2 hours away, which tends to translate to us only seeing each other around four or five times per year, giving her most or maybe even all of my bigger clothes would be an EXCELLENT way for me to get rid of 'em yet still have 'em available-enough for later comparisons but not SO close and accessible to where I could easily get 'em back should my body, God forbid, need them ever again.

This will be fanTASTIC not only for me but also for my mom.

As mentioned previously, I plan on getting rid of most or maybe all of my XL and larger-sized clothes, but I think I might also get rid of some of my larger or, for whatever other reason, not-so-flattering L-sized clothes.

I know I already have some medium-sized stuff from previous times I've lost weight or, in VERY rare instances, the clothing article type just running a little larger than usual. But I really hope to replace a lot of my closet with more M-sized and (wheeee!) S-sized stuff.