I've lost the weight, how do I lose the fat?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    This is why we suggest resistance/strength training in a deficit as we lose. Once your at goal it is easier to have a better body composition.

    You can start now though. Pick a strength program, or if you're uncomfortable with that-a body weight program, and eat at maintenance. Let us know if you have any questions about programs.
  • AbigailC17
    AbigailC17 Posts: 78 Member
    edited March 2016
    drachfit wrote: »
    "toning" is not a thing, there is muscle gain and there is fat loss. what you are all describing as "toning" is simply a larger muscle with less fat covering it.

    the most efficient / fastest way to gain muscle is to lift weights with an adequate intake of protein (at your size, aim for 90-100 grams a day). the fastest way to lose fat is to diet. as a beginner you can do both of these things. so change your diet to include protein and eat at a very slight calorie defecit - perhaps 250cal per day defecit.

    while weight lifting might be the fastest method because it is easy to measure progress and to train your entire body, any strength-based activity would fit the bill. The more active and gymnastic yoga styles, rock climbing, crossfit, and so forth. more aerobic activities such as running, zumba etc are not efficient at building muscle (but still useful to keep in good cardiovascular condition).
    ^^THIS^^ post is great! Me, I don't like the word "toning" my apologies. Fitness magazines use this a lot to hook ladies up to do their exercises with pink weights to achieve a toned look lmao. They don't work. Anyway classes like Zumba, Barre, and all other fitness classes are cardio. They are not the most efficient way to transform your body. I'll do progressive lifting make sure you got the form down. Like the post said above! It is building muscle and losing the fat covering it.
  • DiIDE
    DiIDE Posts: 120 Member
    I am the same, on professional advice I am lifting more, high weights low reps and more protein. I have a protein shake after gym also.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    Now its time to work on fitness, that'll shape your body nicely if you are consistent with your workouts. I really can't help but sing the praises of lifting weights, along with some cardio. :smile:
    well done on your loss and reaching a weight you're happy with.

  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    edited March 2016
    Suzanne106 wrote: »
    You can't be "fat" and weigh 127, sorry. Maybe it's just toning you need. Try resistance bands, they work great!


    Of course you can be "fat" and weigh 127. Did the OP say how tall she is? Did the OP say how much lean body mass she has?

    If she is very short or has lost muscle mass due to extreme calorie restriction and a lack of resistance exercise, she could indeed be "fat" at 127 pounds.

    Besides which, OP did not call herself fat. She said that she is carrying more fat than she'd like.
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    Get Jillian Michaels no more trouble zones. I only do one workout a day. I add it to cardio. She uses 3lb. weights but she is lunging and squatting with them. Each section is only 11min. long with warm up. I would add 20min. of cardio and then stretch good after for sure. The key is in the name. If you do this workout for 6 weeks...you will notice the difference. She explains how you can't do cardio alone and burn fat in those trouble spot areas. I do not recommend doing the entire thing all at once. Especially since you are to goal. It will only make you tired and possibly so sore that you will want to take 2 days away from working out. No need to go crazy with this one. Your heart will be soaring in those 6min. I promise. Hope this helps.
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I have found body weight strength training super effective. No gym, no equipment. I do You are Your Are Gym, but Insanity and Convict Condition are similar concepts.
  • ginalove1960
    ginalove1960 Posts: 60 Member
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    edited March 2016
    Since you are wanting to tone from the sound of it. I would try 4 sets of 15 reps with a light weight. Focus on form above all else. There are a lot of routines. A basic one would be chest/triceps, back/biceps, legs/shoulders. So, three days a week. You could add in some circuit training as well, using body weight movements.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have found body weight strength training super effective. No gym, no equipment. I do You are Your Are Gym, but Insanity and Convict Condition are similar concepts.

    This is what I'm doing, too. It's been pretty good so far, only about 3 weeks into using it, but I like it a lot.
  • jessicanicolep
    jessicanicolep Posts: 3 Member
    Not to beat a dead horse, but add some weight lifting into your regime. Low weight, high reps = tone / high weight, low reps = build. Don't believe the common misconception that lifting weights will make you bulky! Especially as a woman. Men bulk easier because they have testosterone. Hope this helps :)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    It's still all about the calorie deficit, but at this point you are in the end game and it will be slow going. The scale is pretty much useless. A nice slight deficit over time. Consistency. It's not really about exercise although you should do exercise for health and empowering the rest of your lifel. For the caloire deficit, set your maintenance goal and look at the 30-90 day calorie report, you just want to have your calories slightly under the line most days, and not too much over the line. That's what will show your consistency. Give it 30-90 days because it will be slow going.