Really impatient and discouraged

I just wish this weight would fall off of me right now. I'm not even overweight I guess (bmi of 22.5) but I weigh a lot more than I usually do and it's from eating too much. So this is obviously not the weight I should be at. I only really want to lose about 10-15 pounds but just last year I was dealing with anorexia so it's really hard not to go back into restricting my intake too much; I seem to go from one extreme to the other: restricting my intake to the bare minimum and eating enough for an active man when I'm a 19 year old girl.

I do well for a few days; it's easy to eat less when Im at work; but I always seem to end up giving into temptation when I'm at home, especially at night. I'm becoming more and more unhappy with myself.

What's worked for you guys?


  • biscuitnow
    biscuitnow Posts: 141 Member
    Patience is really important when you don't have a lot of weight to lose, and it might be particularly important in your case. If you're sure you want to lose those 10/15 pounds, maybe just stick to a sensible calorie goal, don't pay too much attention to the scale and focus on exercise and general health and happiness? You'll probably feel a lot better, and (slow and sustainable) weight loss is still going to happen.