Calorie Deficit (Is it a Myth)



  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    On a high(er)-fat diet, calorie deficit and CICO are important as the body will easily store excess fat consumed, with very little energy required to do so. It's widely shared and assumed that a calorie is a calorie but diets high in starch and fiber and low in fat do not and will not have the same impact calorie-for-calorie in the long-run compared to a high(er) fat diet that includes animal products. Beyond this being studied and documented, it is representative within some of the longest living, healthiest cultures / communities.

    As my understanding evolves and I see the changes that my body experiences, calorie restriction is no longer a part of my life. Satiety and calorie quality (i.e., really nutrient density) are the foundation of good nutrition which supports healthy bodily function of which the byproduct is normalized weight in the long-run. I understand everyone may not agree with this position. This is my answer based on my understanding and research interest in nutrition and it's impact on health and body structure.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I chose a non HR fitbit because I was afraid it would log calorie burns when my heart rate went up for non exercise reasons, like stress or excitement. I don't know if that's happening with you, but I haven't had any of my friends with a non HR fitbit complain of inflated burn numbers.

    My understanding is that the HR "understands" when you're moving and doesn't give you increased calories just because your heart rate has sped up. I'm not totally familiar with all the design, but I know I've been eating back my activity adjustments from my Charge HR for months and it seems very accurate.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited February 2016
    B_TEEN wrote: »
    On a high(er)-fat diet, calorie deficit and CICO are important as the body will easily store excess fat consumed, with very little energy required to do so. It's widely shared and assumed that a calorie is a calorie but diets high in starch and fiber and low in fat do not and will not have the same impact calorie-for-calorie in the long-run compared to a high(er) fat diet that includes animal products. Beyond this being studied and documented, it is representative within some of the longest living, healthiest cultures / communities.

    As my understanding evolves and I see the changes that my body experiences, calorie restriction is no longer a part of my life. Satiety and calorie quality (i.e., really nutrient density) are the foundation of good nutrition which supports healthy bodily function of which the byproduct is normalized weight in the long-run. I understand everyone may not agree with this position. This is my answer based on my understanding and research interest in nutrition and it's impact on health and body structure.

    dietary fat does not = body fat. If you are in a deficit it wont matter the make up of the cals as you wont be storing fat, you will be burning body fat to make up for the majority of the deficit of calories.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    edited February 2016
    It is my understanding that HRMs should not be worn 24/7 and are only useful (and even then not super accurate) when exercising.

    This is part of why I only use my FitBit to try to get me to 10,000 steps. But even then, I know that driving on a bumpy road or other activities can artificially increase the numbers of steps I take. And I imagine heart rate monitors may have similar challenges because things other than exercise might get your heart going or otherwise impact how much the heart rate changes.

    OP: Like others have said, the process is neither linear nor an exact process. For me, I've found that the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation, with an appropriate activity factor, generally yields consistent results over time. But even then, there are times where I don't lose, maintain, or gain what the math says I "should", and that's simply because of all the little factors like water retention, whether I've got food still in my system and hasn't been eliminated, or errors in my activity and intake calculations.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Thanks for all the responses, really appreciate it.

    I weigh all the solids i eat where i can. Started doing that when i realised what the actual weight was of the weekend bowl of cereal i was having. (80g not 30g like i was logging so huge difference). Liquids i try to measure using measuring cups - not always possible though like with the food if i have lunch out. Good shout with the entries though as i have noticed occasionally there are various ones for the same food so i could be making a mistake there.

    I was thinking it could be the fitbit overestimating the calorie burn as the majority of my weight loss previously came through a healthy diet and exercise. I used to use TDEE calculators and estimated this to be 2400 using various calculators and taking the average.

    I wouldn't really eat the exercise calories back which i do now because of fitbit as i would eat 1600 calories a day but now eat 1800 due to the fitbit stats. Looks like these 200 calories seems to be part of the issue so its really a deficit of 500 calories a day then not 750. If im 200 calories out with food then its only a 300 calories a day deficit which probably equates to the 0.3lbs a week weight loss.

    If its all about calories in vs calories out does the quality of the calorie not affect weight loss. Surely 100 kcals for a banana is better than 100kcals for a bag of salt & vinegar squares. Surely it cant be that simple, what about fats, salt etc.

    Re. the bold: a calorie is a calorie. For energy purposes, your body does not care if the calories come from bananas or salt and vinegar squares (what is this sorcery??? Must try salt and vinegar squares....).

    Someone already spoke about the (obvious) nutritional differences between fruit/veg and less nutritional alternatives (i.e., chips, candy, etc.); salt will affect weight loss in that it causes temporary water retention (which is why you might see a gain on the scale the day after you have salty chips/crisps), but it is temporary, it's just water, and drinking a little more water than you usually drink will help to flush some of that excess away.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    It is not a myth.. what is much more likely is that you're either overestimating your burn or underestimating your intake. Make adjustments and see how it goes from there.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I have a Fitbit charge hr which has been worn for when im exercising and throughout the day and looking at the data for the last 30 days i have an average burn of 2604 calories (appreciate its not an exact science) and an average intake of 1849 calories so an average deficit of 750 calories a day.

    Although 9 times out of 10 logging is the issue, I also think the calorie counts given by the fitness trackers can be inflated for some people. Maybe for obese people? There have been a lot of folks on here with 20-30 lbs to lose who say their Fitbit is really accurate for them. I am obese and use an UP3 and it gives me an insane amount of extra calories for walking. I wonder if it does some adjustment for my weight that is way off.

    I don't think eating healthier necessarily helps the numbers game. Other than that I eat out a lot, and calories from fast food will obviously be a lot less accurate than something you weighed from ingredients and cooked yourself. I know water retention can also be a huge factor for women, not sure how much it affects men.

    I think if you are happy with your rate you should stick with it, but I have the same problem, my numbers were adding up but then stopped after I started exercising more. So my theory was I was overestimating exercise calories. I now use the calculation of .33 x (weigh in lbs) x miles = calories burned on a walk. When I put my walks into MFP I change the calorie number to reflect that. I use 90% of the calories my Garmin (with chest strap HR monitor) gives me for my running. I am still collecting the UP3 data because I think it is cool (and tracks sleep which is important) but I am not syncing it with MFP now. Also, I always look at what I can do to be more accurate with logging. Hopefully after a couple more weeks of this the numbers will add up again. But if I want to lose faster, the best way is just to eat less.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    I chose a non HR fitbit because I was afraid it would log calorie burns when my heart rate went up for non exercise reasons, like stress or excitement. I don't know if that's happening with you, but I haven't had any of my friends with a non HR fitbit complain of inflated burn numbers.

    My understanding is that the HR "understands" when you're moving and doesn't give you increased calories just because your heart rate has sped up. I'm not totally familiar with all the design, but I know I've been eating back my activity adjustments from my Charge HR for months and it seems very accurate.

    Yeah, I'm not sure how that works either. But my boss and I recently gave a seminar in front of a couple hundred people. We both have fitbits, but he has the Charge HR and I have the Flex. During the 5 hours or so we were speaking, we were either standing or pacing slowly around the front of the room. My Fitbit said I took 2000 or so steps and gave me a small adjustment. His Fitbit said he took about the same number of steps, but he got a much larger adjustment, even accounting for weight/height difference. I think this was the case because obviously his heart rate was elevated speaking in front of such a large group. Maybe his was more accurate, and mine was just underestimating, but I'm not sure. For the record, he is losing just fine with his Charge HR.
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    [....] If you are in a deficit it wont matter the make up of the cals as you wont be storing fat, you will be burning body fat to make up for the majority of the deficit of calories.

    I understand the principal of CICO and calorie restriction but it does not appear sustainable for most people in duration as calorie restriction is not how our mind or body prefers to work.

    If you eat unprocessed plant foods (starches and grains, fruits and vegetables), you won't need to compute an estimated caloric deficit as your body will regulate how to process plant foods between energy/nutrients sources and waste; plus, you can reach a point of satiety [without guilt].

    So, I like to eat until I'm full (which the body physically prefers) and know what I eat fuels my energy and health equally. On some days, it's going to be a large volume of food and on others maybe not as much. When I feed my body a variety of food from the major food groups (starches, grains, fruits and veg), I trust that it will process and waste without long-term harm, internal damage or excessive weight gain, as it was programmed to do.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    B_TEEN wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    [....] If you are in a deficit it wont matter the make up of the cals as you wont be storing fat, you will be burning body fat to make up for the majority of the deficit of calories.

    I understand the principal of CICO and calorie restriction but it does not appear sustainable for most people in duration as calorie restriction is not how our mind or body prefers to work.

    If you eat unprocessed plant foods (starches and grains, fruits and vegetables), you won't need to compute an estimated caloric deficit as your body will regulate how to process plant foods between energy/nutrients sources and waste; plus, you can reach a point of satiety [without guilt].

    So, I like to eat until I'm full (which the body physically prefers) and know what I eat fuels my energy and health equally. On some days, it's going to be a large volume of food and on others maybe not as much. When I feed my body a variety of food from the major food groups (starches, grains, fruits and veg), I trust that it will process and waste without long-term harm, internal damage or excessive weight gain, as it was programmed to do.

    Great that this works for you, however, for most people, it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that your stomach is full.
    And, it doesn't matter where your calories come from, your body does not differentiate what foods the calories are coming from.

    Maybe a little psychological thought process is involved for some.

  • beatyfamily1
    beatyfamily1 Posts: 257 Member
    I don't think the calorie deficit is a myth, but I do think it is harder to lose weight when not eating healthy foods. For me I found it is a heck of lot easier losing weight by switching to a plant based diet. Before I would eat meat and vegetables, but I had to micromanage my calorie intake. I would still be hungry. After switching to a plant based diet I am losing weight at a faster rate and I'm not hungry. I'll lose about 2 pounds a week maybe a little more depending on what activities I'm doing compared to 1 pound or less from before I switched to plant based. For me it's not just about losing weight. It's also about optimal health.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    B_TEEN wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    [....] If you are in a deficit it wont matter the make up of the cals as you wont be storing fat, you will be burning body fat to make up for the majority of the deficit of calories.

    I understand the principal of CICO and calorie restriction but it does not appear sustainable for most people in duration as calorie restriction is not how our mind or body prefers to work.

    If you eat unprocessed plant foods (starches and grains, fruits and vegetables), you won't need to compute an estimated caloric deficit as your body will regulate how to process plant foods between energy/nutrients sources and waste; plus, you can reach a point of satiety [without guilt].

    So, I like to eat until I'm full (which the body physically prefers) and know what I eat fuels my energy and health equally. On some days, it's going to be a large volume of food and on others maybe not as much. When I feed my body a variety of food from the major food groups (starches, grains, fruits and veg), I trust that it will process and waste without long-term harm, internal damage or excessive weight gain, as it was programmed to do.

    Whether you're consciously counting calories or not, the simple fact remains that if you're in a deficit you will lose weight; if you're in a surplus you will gain weight. Regardless of the macro composition, ingredients or whatever else of the food consumed. The laws of physiology/energy balance don't change based upon what a person "thinks" or "feels". I can "think" to my heart's content that I can drop out of a tree headfirst and not land on my head, but gravity doesn't care about my feelz. So it is with energy balance.
  • Rayvis1014
    Rayvis1014 Posts: 36 Member
    B_TEEN wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »

    If you eat unprocessed plant foods (starches and grains, fruits and vegetables), you won't need to compute an estimated caloric deficit as your body will regulate how to process plant foods between energy/nutrients sources and waste; plus, you can reach a point of satiety [without guilt].

    Yeah, no. I'm perfectly happy overeating healthy food. If I don't weigh, measure, and track my intake (even while eating "clean") I gain weight.

    And this may seem counter intuitive, but tracking actually makes me feel LESS guilty. So if I want to have a splurge or treat, or eat some fast food because I'm wiped out for the day (I work full time and have two small kids), I can work it into my calorie budget, balance out the next meal, and I feel fine about it.

    I tend to gravitate toward healthy food, and love fish and salad and veggies, but for me, eating "intuitively" is a disaster.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I don't think the calorie deficit is a myth, but I do think it is harder to lose weight when not eating healthy foods. For me I found it is a heck of lot easier losing weight by switching to a plant based diet. Before I would eat meat and vegetables, but I had to micromanage my calorie intake. I would still be hungry. After switching to a plant based diet I am losing weight at a faster rate and I'm not hungry. I'll lose about 2 pounds a week maybe a little more depending on what activities I'm doing compared to 1 pound or less from before I switched to plant based. For me it's not just about losing weight. It's also about optimal health.

    Most people who find success with these types of approaches do so because they restrict the foods they were overindulging in before. But I know plenty of overweight and obese vegetarians and vegans, it's not a perfect method for everyone.
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    edited February 2016
    [....] it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that your stomach is full.
    And, it doesn't matter where your calories come from, your body does not differentiate what foods the calories are coming from.

    Agree that it takes time for your brain to register "fullness" but keep in mind that 100 calories from fat versus 100 calories from carbohydrates and protein ARE NOT the same in density. So, if you can get more "bang" for the buck in volume from plants, which is a source of carbs + protein, you can eat more for the same cost [in calories]. The greater volume plus added fiber of plants/grains/beans will more likely register a feeling of satiety than the same caloric value of fat.
    But I know plenty of overweight and obese vegetarians and vegans, it's not a perfect method for everyone.

    I hear you but vegans make food choices for ethical reasons and vegetarians may make food choices often based on religion or other preference. Therefore, a vegan and vegetarian diet may be highly-processed and high in fat. So, I think experiences of those that follow a "plant-based lifestyle", those who eat for optimal healthy, will vary to traditional vegan and vegetarians.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I find the calories way off on fit bit and other devices that measure "burn" -- I have used careful food logging aiming at 1500 calories a day, and don't eat back any exercise calories unless I exercise over 1 hour (like running or bicycling longer distances) and then I only eat back about 1/2 or even less. Doing this I lose on average over a 4 week period 1/2 to 1 pound per week, and it is usually closer to l pound per week. I think the exercise burn is really inexact so this is what works for me. I think of exercise as what makes me feel better, but the weight loss is more in the calorie reduction.
  • rontafoya
    rontafoya Posts: 365 Member
    Not only should you continue counting calories, but you should count them more accurately. While it is a good idea to mind the quality of your food, when it comes to weight loss, quantity is what matters (not quality). Poor foods could cause other health issues, inflammation, and other problems; however, even if all you eat is McDonald's, you will in fact lose weight if you are in a caloric deficit. In addition to health though...eating quality foods do (for me) cause a higher satiety than junk foods that are not nutrient dense. Nutrient dense whole foods simply satisfy me more than garbage.
  • Sternjohn662200
    Sternjohn662200 Posts: 13 Member
    Out of curiosity i didn't exercise last night and just went about my day as normal so had a (sedentary) lifestyle as per my job.

    My fitbit Charge HR for the day was a TDEE of 2232 Calories, so i then checked this using various online calculators as suggested and got the following so its likely the fitbit does overestimate as the average of the following TDEE's is 2025 so a difference of 200 kcals.

    Sail Rabbit
    TDEE (Average) (SEDENTARY)= 2023 Calories
    BMR (Average) = 1686 Calories

    TDEE (SEDENTARY)= 2117 Calories
    BMR = 1693 Calories

    TDEE (SEDENTARY)= 1935 Calories
    BMR = 1683 Calories
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    B_TEEN wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    [....] If you are in a deficit it wont matter the make up of the cals as you wont be storing fat, you will be burning body fat to make up for the majority of the deficit of calories.

    I understand the principal of CICO and calorie restriction but it does not appear sustainable for most people in duration as calorie restriction is not how our mind or body prefers to work.

    If you eat unprocessed plant foods (starches and grains, fruits and vegetables), you won't need to compute an estimated caloric deficit as your body will regulate how to process plant foods between energy/nutrients sources and waste; plus, you can reach a point of satiety [without guilt].

    So, I like to eat until I'm full (which the body physically prefers) and know what I eat fuels my energy and health equally. On some days, it's going to be a large volume of food and on others maybe not as much. When I feed my body a variety of food from the major food groups (starches, grains, fruits and veg), I trust that it will process and waste without long-term harm, internal damage or excessive weight gain, as it was programmed to do.

    That's not what it was programmed to do. It's programmed to shove whatever it can into your emergency stores, be that bacon or brussel sprouts. If you're eating more than your body needs, you will not waste energy by just pooping it out without trying to keep as much as possible.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Out of curiosity i didn't exercise last night and just went about my day as normal so had a (sedentary) lifestyle as per my job.

    My fitbit Charge HR for the day was a TDEE of 2232 Calories, so i then checked this using various online calculators as suggested and got the following so its likely the fitbit does overestimate as the average of the following TDEE's is 2025 so a difference of 200 kcals.

    Sail Rabbit
    TDEE (Average) (SEDENTARY)= 2023 Calories
    BMR (Average) = 1686 Calories

    TDEE (SEDENTARY)= 2117 Calories
    BMR = 1693 Calories

    TDEE (SEDENTARY)= 1935 Calories
    BMR = 1683 Calories

    How many steps did you do? Around the 5000 mark is considered sedentary.