
Hey guys I'm working out 6 days a week and keeping a 1200 calorie diet, what should I use for bloating? Any ideas? Thank you lots


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    How is your water intake?
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    Drink plenty of water, watch your sodium intake. Be aware that hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle will often lead to a certain amount of unavoidable fluid retention but that it's cyclical and not representative of actual fat gain. Staying well-hydrated and avoiding excess sodium intake can help minimize it.

    If you're having painful intestinal bloating/gassiness and not just fluid retention, that is something to address with your doctor, not a message board.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Bah I feel you. I over indulged at an Oscar watching party last night and am enjoying a glorious 2+ lbs of it. Ugh. Try to find your triggers. Chinese takeaway gets me. It's the sodium in the soy sauce. Yesterday it was the combination of alcohol sugars and regular sugars. I got painful gas last night, and today I'm left with the bloat. I'll drink an abundance of filtered water and get in some good workouts. I expect I'll be fine by Tuesday or Wednesday and my water weight will dissipate.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Ooh baby, do I know this one! I just answered this in another thread, actually. Stay away from processed sweets, alcohol, and try to minimize your bread-based carbs. AND sodium, especially for short-term results.

    Sodium dries out your body, which makes your body think you're dying, so it hoards water in your face and abdomen. This is what bloating is. In order to cut the bloat-factor and feel less sluggish, stay away from foods high in sodium and drink at least a gallon of water every day. When your body has enough water, it won't hoard it. In fact, you will pee all. The. Time. But that's good, that's just your body getting rid of everything it's been hoarding. You'll stop peeing as much after a week. Keep it up, stay strong, and you'll be amazed at how much more awake and alert you feel.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Cut down non-soluble fiber as much as you can.
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    Kkallisti wrote: »
    Ooh baby, do I know this one! I just answered this in another thread, actually. Stay away from processed sweets, alcohol, and try to minimize your bread-based carbs. AND sodium, especially for short-term results.

    Sodium dries out your body, which makes your body think you're dying, so it hoards water in your face and abdomen. This is what bloating is. In order to cut the bloat-factor and feel less sluggish, stay away from foods high in sodium and drink at least a gallon of water every day. When your body has enough water, it won't hoard it. In fact, you will pee all. The. Time. But that's good, that's just your body getting rid of everything it's been hoarding. You'll stop peeing as much after a week. Keep it up, stay strong, and you'll be amazed at how much more awake and alert you feel.

    Uh... no. I mean, you *sort* of have the idea, but... no.

    Your body is trying to maintain a certain osmolality of body fluids to keep your electrolyte concentrations in a particular range, above and below which is dangerous and can affect your ability to, well, stay alive. If you consume very large amounts of sodium, it takes more fluid to maintain the appropriate concentration and you will retain that fluid until sodium levels drop enough for it to be safe for you to excrete the fluid.

    This is the same reason it's possible to die of water intoxication- with too much water intake, your sodium concentration becomes too low, and you may not be able to excrete it fast enough to maintain an adequate sodium level.

    Blanket advice to eat low sodium and drink enormous amounts of water (a small to medium woman in a cool environment who is not exerting herself probably does NOT need a gallon a day) is not universally good. I see hyponatremic patients- people whose sodium levels are too low- more often than you might think.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm the Queen of Bloat. I just can't seem to give up the foods that make me bloat. I love salt, high fiber, lots of volume in my meals. I basically deal with it. I do drink a lot of water though, actually hot tea all day. When I feel really bad it's usually during my period and I'll drink dandelion tea which is supposed to help with bloating but honestly, who knows if that shiznit is true. I'll also sit in the sauna for a bit which feels nice.
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    Things that make me bloat include too much volume in one meal, going hand in hand with that too much veggies in one meal (like when I make a giant bowl of zucchini noodle "pasta" with arugula, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes ... so good and low calorie but so much veggies, takes 2 days to get my tummy back to normal), more than 2 glasses of wine, not enough water, too many sugar alcohols (like when I chew 2 packs of gum in a night), eating too late at night and too much salt. I had an indulgent night saturday out at a gala with the hubby and am still paying for it today with the bloat, up 2 lbs on the scale the morning after, just one today, hopefully tomorrow back to normal). Oh and I bloat evenly throughout the body, not just tummy, like my face and legs get puffy too. If I avoid these triggers I am a happy healthy bloat free woman. Oh and I eat about 45-50 gms of fibre on a daily basis.
  • ktilton70130
    ktilton70130 Posts: 211 Member
    i am dealing with this right now. Its like its unavoidable for women. I am just frustrated. Im gulping dandelion and green tea along with water. i am peeing but obviously not enough and my face, abdomen and thighs feel huge.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member