Desk Drawer Snacks?



  • iamnotvoldemort
    iamnotvoldemort Posts: 56 Member
    cbelc2 wrote: »
    Do you need food at your desk? I eat breakfast then sip black coffee and water until lunch. Then I eat lunch. Then I sip water and hot unsweetened green tea all afternoon. I go home and have dinner then I'm done eating. Tonight I'll do yard work till dark then have dinner. Do you get hungry between meals?

    I'm one of those people who can't eat much early in the morning. I'll usually have a small breakfast around 7:30. I don't take my lunch until around 12:30, so I almost always do need a little something mid-morning to get me there. Once I eat lunch, I'm usually good until dinner, though.
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    My graze box. When it's done, snacks done
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    When I had an office job, I'd keep a bag of raw almonds in my desk. It really worked to keep me from starving but not so delicious that I'd eat too much.
  • justjumpit278
    justjumpit278 Posts: 96 Member
    Right now I have a packet of instant oatmeal, Fiber One strawberry streusel and Fiber One lemon bars, small squares of Ghiradelli peppermint bark with dark chocolate (for my afternoon sugar craving) and a bottle of honey for my green tea or to add to plain greek yogurt. I actually need to restock the drawer!
    I'll also have things like packs of peanut butter crackers, mixed nuts, Kind bars (I buy the flavors with only 4-5g of sugar), Nature Valley biscuits with almond butter and Kashi honey almond flax granola bars.
    I tend to bring a lot of my food with me right from home, but it's nice to have back ups!
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    Enlightened Sriracha Roasted Fava Beans
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member

    CHOCOLATE. Oh and tea.
  • DawnUrbanski
    DawnUrbanski Posts: 39 Member
    I always bring a banana plus 100 calorie packs of nuts, chex mix and chips ahoy. Granola bars too.
  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    Single serve bags of popcorn, Special K pastry crisps, granola bars, pretzel sticks, cuties (I bring 3-4 on monday), instant oatmeal, rice cakes, Fiber one bars for a sweet treat, raisins, etc. I don't keep all of it at once but its the stuff I like to rotate through!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited March 2016
    Instant oatmeal. I find work is a good way to get rid of those pesky "regular" flavour ones that come in the variety packs. I add a sweet n' low to it hahaha.
    Freeze dried fruit packs.
  • tryin2die2self
    tryin2die2self Posts: 207 Member
    A clean shaker bottle, liquid coconut oil and a slow release protein powder. I also have stashed away some nuts BUT the packaged is still sealed. I know if I break into it, I will eat it in short order (my willpower is not having it available).
  • MamaMc3
    MamaMc3 Posts: 213 Member
    I can't keep snacks in my desk, or I would find it too tempting and end up eating too many at once. Instead, I just bring my snack with me every day. I do things like yogurt, cheese sticks, apples, bananas, Graze snacks, and dried fruit or veggies. I am sedentary during the day, so I typically use my calories on meals and maybe one snack a day. Then if I workout after work, I can eat my exercise calories for an evening snack.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Peanut butter
    Tuna packets
    Smoked salmon packets
    Protein powder
    Variety of teas depending on my taste that day
    Mustard packets (use it in my tuna packets)
    Snack bars if I remember to buy them
    Hershey Kisses
    Sweetener (Truvia and Sweet'N'Low)
    Vitamin C drink mixes
    Shaker bottle