Need help with lean bulking

AbdullahD500 Posts: 4 Member
Im trying to get bigger but try to minimize as much fat gain as possible. Would love to learn about a specific diet(include macros) and workout routine that helped with this.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,432 MFP Moderator
    Im trying to get bigger but try to minimize as much fat gain as possible. Would love to learn about a specific diet(include macros) and workout routine that helped with this.

    There are several factors that will determine your muscle/fat ratio, such as: gender, genetics, size of a calorie surplus and training. But overall, you can expect to gain about 50% of the weight from fat.

    To help minimize fat levels, you should consider a slow bulk, which is roughly 250 calories or 10% over TDEE.

    For a training program, I have developed a fairly comprehensive list, that can be found here. Which one is best, is determined by your training levels.

    Macros = protein should be around .8-1g per lb of lean body mass, fat is .35-.6g per lb of lbm, and the rest is carbs.
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    ^^^ what psulemon said above is spot on. Slow bulk, good macros, and lift consistently. You can throw in 20 minutes of HIIT 2-3 times per week as well, as long as it does not affect your weight training negatively.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Try macros 18/22/60.
  • borrego6193
    borrego6193 Posts: 26 Member
    Slow bulk, won't gain too much UNNECESSARY fat, of course you'll gain fat from a bulk but you don't want to gain too much of it
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Eat any calories back from exercise done. Bulks have been derailed by this many a time.
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    Yeah you're going to gain *some* fat no matter what. The slower you take it, the less you (theoretically) should gain. Personally, I did 3 months and only gained maybe 8 pounds. I had to fiddle with my intake a lot and everything, but I wound up at ~500 surplus at the end of it all. Overall I'm happy enough with the results, but would probably choose to start a little earlier next time so I can go longer...
  • pbryd
    pbryd Posts: 364 Member
    Like the previous posts have started, a slow gain is the way to go to minimise fat gain.

    Depending on your current condition, you might want to do a pre bulk cut before you start bulking.
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