Sugar problems

I just started logging my food yesterday so I don't have any history yet, but how do you keep your sugars down? I know I have a sugar addiction so I have been (or so I thought) trying to be more aware of what i have been putting in my mouth and it surprised me that I went over my sugar by a lot (not counting what my exercise gives me). I apparently like the fruits and veggies that are high in sugar. I have been walking 4 miles a day for two months (at 4 mph) and have not lost one pound. That is why I decided I better start tracking! After I have some history I may see the problem but right now it looks like sugar is my only one. Any advice on getting started on a well balanced diet??


  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    MPF tracks all sugar intake but it's intent is to track added sugar, not fruit/veggie sugar. That said, unless you have specific metabolic issues that react poorly to sugar and unless you're not being conscientious about meeting your macro and micro needs , you don't need to track it.