Everyone is beautiful. Lets be friends

I would love to be friends with all you beautiful people. Anyone feel free to add me.


  • MsDeeHawk12
    MsDeeHawk12 Posts: 52 Member
    Not new to MFP, but I've been gone for almost two years.

    The last time I was on, I was so motivated and the support I gained here was priceless. I lost 45 pounds and felt so healthy and strong.

    Unfortunately, life got in the way and it all fell apart. But, I'm angry and on a mission. Time to take back control of my life. My main goals are to lose 80 pounds total and to complete a RUN DISNEY in 2017.

    I will be on daily and am looking for buddies to help keep me motivated. I promise to do the same for you!

    Send me a friend request if you are interested.